Google Bard

Better than ChatGPT? - Advantages and disadvantages of both AI CHATBOTS

In our Google Bard tutorial, we answer the question whether the Google Chatbot is better than ChatGPT or not. That is, we’ll explain what Google Bard is, how you can use it, and then compare it with its direct competitor ChatGPT in the main part. We address speed and efficiency, language compatibility, application areas, prompt management, cost, and much more. So if you don’t want to miss this, watch the video to the end to find out what our overall conclusion is.

Since Google I/O, one theme has dominated

Since this year’s Google I/O, Google’s annual developer conference, one topic has dominated the web – Google Bard. The ChatGPT competitor was put under the microscope for our part. You will learn in this video what it is, what is better than ChatGPT, but also what still needs to be worked on. All this in this article. First of all about us – we are eBakery a holistic eCommerce agency, which supports you very gladly with all your challenges in the online trade and marketing. So if you are still missing an expert on your side, click on the link and arrange a free initial consultation with us.

What is Google Bard?

To first clarify what Google Bard is exactly, let’s interview him ourselves. From this we learn that it is a chatbot. At several points it is clear that this is still under development.This is clear both in the response, but also if you look very closely at the notice, under the prompt, it says: “Bard may display inaccurate or offensive information that does not reflect Google’s views.”
Here is a clear hint that AI answers must be checked again for correctness. But we also get application instructions for what Bard is meant for. General questions can be asked, creative tasks can be given, such as writing a poem, but also summarizing existing texts. So classic example: write me a short summary of Goethe’s Faust. So we already know roughly what Google Bard is. Let’s take a closer look and get, for example. information from Wikipedia, it becomes clear where the name comes from in the first place. Bard of Avon, in fact, was then called William Shakespear, where Bard stands for something like “poet”.
It is also interesting that both systems seem to run with Google’s LaMDA language model. But how can you use that now first to be able to test it yourself in parallel with this tutorial?

Google Bard Requirements

The requirements are on the one hand a Google account and an Internet access outside Germany or actually outside all of Europe. Great Britain excluded. But why is that?
The short and precise answer is: GDPR concerns. That’s all we want to say about it. Instead, we’d rather show you solutions on how to get access to it. However, it should be said that we do not give any guarantee for this method. We only give you the approach how you can currently access Google Bard, but we do not give any legal advice if this is allowed from every country. Therefore, the use is your own responsibility. However, the obvious solution is to use a VPN. This is called a “virtual private network”. This means that you are no longer accessing this page with your IP address, but with a different one, which simulates access from another country. Two supported countries would be the United States and the United Kingdom. The domain is: Here you have to log in with your Google account first. Then you have to agree to the legal terms and should find a similar interface afterwards.

The surface explained

This is largely self-explanatory. You can view and set your prompt history with “Bard Activity”, you can possibly answer your further questions with the FAQ section itself, you can track which version you are currently working with and search for solutions by keyword input in the help section. Otherwise, as with ChatGPT, most of the action takes place in the center main window. Here, too, it is always pointed out as the first sentence that the service is limited in its possibilities and that errors can occur, which is why Google is dependent on user feedback in order to constantly improve Google Bard. Since there are no other differences between the interface and ChatGPT and we have already made a detailed sequence, which is linked above as an info card, we will directly compare both systems with each other. First, the language barrier. We ask directly in German, whether the ChatBot can speak German. Bard gives us a clear answer. German conversation is currently not yet possible. Therefore, we will keep this in English for Bard. With ChatGPT also a clear answer – here it is already possible to have a conversation in German. Next, let’s take up the example from the beginning. A brief summary of Faust. From this we can already recognize a lot of small points.

ChatGPT vs. Google Bard

Point 1: ChatGPT starts writing directly, but overall takes much longer to reply than Google Bard. This is also one of the strongest points of the Google AI Bot – the speed. Another advantage is that sources are directly included. This is completely missing from ChatGPT. The quality of the answer is equally good for both. So for summarizing texts both chat bots are very good. However, Google Bard does have one small advantage in comparison. You can click “Regenerate” on both systems to have a new answer generated, but what you are offered on Google is this. If you click on the arrow next to “View other Drafts” in the upper right corner, you will be shown several variants directly without having to regenerate them. So, as mentioned before, Google Bard is much faster and more efficient than ChatGPT here as well. Otherwise, the further operation here is similar to ChatGPT. You can rate the quality of the answer as good or bad by giving it a thumbs up or down. You can download the answer and have search queries generated to match your prompt, which you can then Google directly.
What is also only offered by Google Bot is both text and voice input, which you can see here by this microphone. This is not possible with ChatGPT. Now we have mainly highlighted the advantages of Google Bard, but are there any disadvantages?

This is the same for both systems

Indeed. Let’s do another test to demonstrate this. First of all, one more point that both AI bots fulfill. Within the conversation, what was said before is remembered. So if we ask how many Harry Potter book parts there are, a numerical listing comes up. If we then ask for a summary for number 6, it is directly recognized that it refers to the question before. We also proved that again by only asking about the villain, without referencing Harry Potter again. Again, it was immediately clear to the ChatBot what it was referring to. But now comes the point of criticism. How ChatGPT handles the chat management will know. Within the account, the previous chat histories are stored here and can be accessed again at any time. So you can train the AI and access it at a later time. This is not possible with Google Bard. We get a search history, but we cannot access it again. So if we close Bard and access it again, we can copy paste the requests from the history, but there is no history like ChatGPT as of now. So we start again from 0 after closing the window.

Negative points of Google Bard

Creative tasks are another weak point. For example, let us Google Bard write a joke, comes out only conditionally something funny. ChatGPT is not a genius at it either, but is doing better. But that is probably also in the eye of the beholder. We also had both systems write a poem about artificial intelligence. Best stop the video and read through both. Write us in the comments which one appealed to you more. We’ll leave that without comment at this point.

Does the Google chatbot have an opinion?

However, one option that ChatGPT does not fulfill is the existing opinion. We’ll take the test and ask both AIs about their favorite movies. Ultimately, we get an answer for this from both, it’s just asked in a different way. ChatGPT points out that emotions and preferences do not exist as AI. You rather process the opinion of others and give what you see here as an answer. So we tightened it up a bit more and asked how ChatGPT finds bad weather.
“As an AI language model, I have no personal opinions or feelings, so I don’t worry about bad weather.”
Should suffice as an answer I think. Google Bard, on the other hand, gives a personal opinion about the movies, as well as the weather.
This means that at least one personality is simulated here. Whether this is important to you is subjective.

Google Bard is more up-to-date than ChatGPT

However, what can be evaluated completely objectively, and Google clearly has the advantage here, is the web connection, which means that current questions can also be answered. ChatGPT has been trained until 2021 and can draw on the knowledge base until then. Google Bard, on the other hand, can access all current knowledge, even after 2021. To prove this, let’s just ask both systems who the current Chancellor of Germany is. As expected, ChatGPT cannot give us an answer to this, but Google Bard can. I personally think that this is an important feature, because the chatbot can also be used as a classic search engine. But what about the costs? Here, Google’s AI is completely free. ChatGPT 3 as well, but not the latest version 4. This costs $20 per month. And finally, one more point that ChatGPT offers, but Google may only offer in the future. What is meant is openness in the sense of using third-party providers. In the video “ChatGPT Plugins” we already told you about the API that allows third parties to connect ChatGPT to your system. Several providers have already taken advantage of this, such as Shop App, Zapier, Expedia and several others. A Google Bard API is not yet available, but is probably planned.

Our conclusion

So what is our final conclusion? You are probably wondering – which ChatBot is better? I think at the current state, you can’t answer that question fairly like that. On the one hand, Google Bard is still in the development phase and can only be used in English. Nevertheless, it can already be said that the Google chatbot works faster, more efficiently and, above all, more up-to-date. For selected tasks, like summarizing texts, the output is really qualitative. You can also use the bot well as a search engine extension, since current information is output with source citation. This one is also very good for philosophizing around. However, ChatGPT is still ahead in creative tasks.
ChatGPT is also usable from anywhere and is not only available in 160 countries. The organization of previous searches is much better and can be reused much faster.
So it remains to be seen whether Google will step it up a notch or ChatGPT will keep the upper hand. What is your opinion on this? Have you already tested it? If so, which one is your favorite? Write it to us in the comments.

Google SEO Agency

However, if there are any questions about this, leave them for us in the comments. We will do our best to answer you there. However, should you wish to be advised otherwise, then we are available to you as an eCommerce, but explicitly also as a Google SEO agency.

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