How long does it take for search engine optimization to work?

This is how long it takes for the SEO measures to take effect

How long does it take until the SEO measures take effect and your search engine optimization becomes visible in the SERPs? We have addressed this question in the SEO tutorial. We’ll explain which factors are crucial to how long it takes you to profit from your SEO.

Search Engine Optimization - How long does it take to feel an effect?

We often get the question – “If you were to start SEO measures now, how long would it take to see the first results?”. According to Google 4 – 12 months. But that’s a bit too vague for us, which is why we’re now taking a closer look at this question.
First of all, a goal must be defined. What most people strive for is the proverbially titled “eierlegende Wollmilchsau”. So with the page to rank for everything. This is theoretically possible, but practically unfeasible for most. Because that either costs time or immense money. Therefore, you should not go blindly, but develop a strategy. What makes the most sense?

Set realistic search engine optimization goals

Sure it’s nice with the keyword “alteration tailoring” for example. to rank, but the search term is already very generic. Maybe it would be better for you to do local SEO, so rather go for the long-tail keyword “Änderungsschneiderei Karlsruhe”. We can compare the two. “Änderungsschneiderei” has 1.5 million results, whereas “Änderungsschneiderei Karlsruhe” only shows just over 60K results. This means much less competition for you and therefore a higher chance to achieve fast results. Then website in itself is a factor that cannot be dismissed. How you can optimize them, you can see in our SEO Playlist

Do older domains have an advantage?

That is, once your pages are indexed. Because it is not unusual for pages to be wrongly excluded from search engines by the noindex tag or in robots.txt. But let’s assume that you have taken into account all the technical aspects of SEO, then the age of the page can also play a role. Websites that have been in Google’s index for a very long time have distinct advantages over sites that are newly launched. Older websites enjoy a trust bonus, i.e. trust, and are considered more reputable by the search engine. This means that pages with long-standing domains often achieve SEO success more quickly than pages that are completely new to the Google index. Websites that already have good content can often achieve faster SEO success than sites that have to build content from scratch.

Search engine optimization - content is king

In addition, it can always take a while until the Google bot crawls your page content again. You can trigger this manually via the Console, but this should not happen too often. If you need help with this, make an appointment with our SEO experts.
The next point is manpower. SEO is usually not a one-man project. You need copywriters, designers, videographers, photographers, marketing conceptors, conversion optimizers, backlink strategists and and and. A person can act, but then the outcome is correspondingly low. Because there is some truth to the motto “content is king”. The more content you have to offer, the stronger your SEO power. Clearly, not only the quantity is decisive, but also the quality. But with a team of 20, you can do more than maybe just a team of 3, which is one of the reasons why many companies outsource SEO to agencies. They specialize in this, work more efficiently and know what is required.

How long does it take for search engine optimization to work? - Summary

In summary, it depends on your setting how fast results become visible. If you have a flawless website that has been designed with SEO in mind from the ground up, choose realistic keywords and use an agency with expertise, you will probably see results in the 4 months Google says it will take, rather than after more than a year.
This may sound sobering to you now because it takes a lot of work, but look at it from a different perspective. Just about every athlete, artist, or entrepreneur who is considered successful did not build that success within days. Good things take time – that’s why you should view the search engine optimization of your store, your website or your blog less like a sprint and more like a marathon. Short-term shortcuts will fall on your feet in the long run. For this, however, the established success remains and is worthwhile. Websites that have been optimized for search engines for several years can hardly be displaced by new competitors – a good investment in the long run!

Contact eBakery for SEO questions

If you have any questions regarding the search engine optimization of your online store, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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