SEO trends in online trade 2023

5 things you should consider as an online retailer in 2023

What are the SEO trends in online retail in 2023? This is exactly what the following video is about. Topics like artificial intelligence are becoming more and more popular, but can and especially should you use it for your online business? Or do you get punished? You can find out here.

SEO Trends in Online Retail 2023 - What should you focus on?

You may have come across this video by typing in a search term on Google, or it came to your attention through Instagram, or it showed up in your feed on Google? However you found your way here, it is the result of daily SEO work. The focus here is on “daily”. But by this I mean not only continuity, but also topicality. Because especially in the SEO area it is important to be up to date. That’s why in this video we present you the SEO trends in online commerce 2023. However, if your concern is of a different nature, feel free to contact our Google SEO and SEA experts directly.

Trend 1: Multisearch

But now to our first trend. The Multisearch. Have you ever heard of “Google Lens”? This should make it possible to search the environment with the help of the camera. That means you have a certain product in front of you, but you absolutely don’t know what it is or how much it costs. So you use Google Lens and instead of searching with a keyword, you search for it with an image. Voice search offers another option for searching. So by telling Google that you would like to know what the weather is going to be like. But these are only two options. Already now, for example already combine text, speech and images in one search to obtain even more precise results. For the English-speaking world, this has already been extended with another search option called “Near me” or “Nearby”. So you can not only find a culinary dish via Google Lens and know what it is, but you can also search for it where it can be found in your area. Google will definitely continue to focus on this, which you as an online retailer should take advantage of.

SEO trends in online trade 2023 - Local SEO

But that brings us to our second trend: Local SEO. With the Local SEO update from Google, local results were preferred for certain search queries, so that you, for example. for the keyword “Restaurant Berlin” hits in your immediate vicinity are shown. But we’ve already shot a guest post on that, which we’ve linked to you here.

The Core Web Vitals

What will remain the be-all and end-all is OnPage optimization, so that would be, for example. your online store. This should be optimized in terms of Core Web Vitals. The parameters that play a role here are: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) play a role. These measure how well a page performs on desktop and mobile so that visitors are happy to navigate categories, read content and, of course, return. There is a detailed sequence for this as well, which we have linked to you. If you have problems with the optimization or if you don’t know what to do so that you don’t get poor URLS in the Google Search Console anymore, please contact our experts. We are happy to advise and optimize your store.

SEO Trends in Online Commerce 2023 - Helpful Content instead of Keyword Bashing

But now let’s get to our 2 biggest innovations. When it comes to OnPage optimization, not only the technical component is crucial, but also the content. Here the keyword is: Helpful Content. This states that pure SEO texts should now be a thing of the past. That is, writing texts for search engines is not pushed further since the August update, instead texts should be helpful for the target audience. That is, they should be at the end of the article, for example. have a benefit.

But how can this be achieved? Google gives the following tips.

  • Do you have an existing or intended audience for your business or website that would find the content useful if they came to it directly?
  • Does your content clearly demonstrate first-hand expertise and broad knowledge (e.g., expertise that comes from actually using a product or service or visiting a site)?
  • Does your website have a main goal or focus theme?
  • After reading your content, will someone feel they have learned enough about a topic to achieve their goal?
  • After reading your content, does anyone feel like they had a satisfying experience?
  • Are you following Google’s guidelines for core updates and for product reviews?

SEO Trends in Online Commerce 2023 - And what about ChatGPT?

That means whoever is still keyword bashing won’t get far or hasn’t gotten far and is therefore now looking here on YouTube for advice. Or for those, AI tools come in handy now. A lot of texts in a short time.
Which brings us to our last trend, which is definitely one. We are talking about ChatGPT. But should you replace the texter for ChatGPT now? Our answer is: As of now, a clear “no”. But why?
Point 1: ChatGPT is not up to date, but uses a dataset from 2020/2021. Thus, AI software will not be able to cover current topics. In addition, AI text is increasingly being identified and penalized by search engines. You should rather not take this risk. That is, so support or idea generator can be used ChatGPT. But it would be negligent to put texts in 1:1.

Google SEO Agency eBakery

These were our 5 SEO trends 2023. If you think of any other trends, share them with the community and post them in the comments. If you would like to contact us directly, make an appointment right here.

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