"Dank dem beherzten Eingreifen von eBakery und deren routiniertem Umgang mit der JTL Wawi konnte man uns schnell und unbürokratisch weiterhelfen. Mein besonderer Dank geht an den Mitarbeiter Benjamin Lambrecht, der seinen Samstag Abend für unseren Shop aufgebracht hat und das dringende Problem zügig löste."
"Wir sind begeistert von der Lösungsorientierten und pragmatischen Gangart, der extrem hohen Leistungsbereitschaft und Verfügbarkeit sowie dem persönlichen wie professionellem Vorgehen des gesamten eBakery Teams!"
"Wir fühlten uns von Anfang an gut durch eBakery beraten. Durch den Einsatz der JTL Produktpalette verfügen wir nun über ein hervorragendes Onlineshopsystem, welches modular erweiterbar ist und verschiedene Marktplatzanbindungen ermöglicht. Zudem gibt uns unsere Multichannel Strategie zusätzliche Umsatzsicherheit in der aktuellen Krise."
"Wir haben uns für eBakery als JTL Servicepartner entschieden, da man hier über viele Jahre Erfahrung in genau diesem Spezialgebiet verfügt. Unser Shop und die Auftragsabwicklung laufen sehr stabil. Mein besonderer Dank geht an Mohamed Ali Oukassi, der sich persönlich um die JTL-Wawi Einrichtung gekümmert hat."
"Wir hatten es eilig mit der Überarbeiteten Version unseres Food-Shops an den Start zu gehen und den deutschen Markt zu erreichen. Wir sind froh, dass wir mit eBakery einen Partner gefunden haben, der uns eine derartig schnelle und zugleich professionelle Lösung unserer Herausforderung ermöglicht hat."
"Wir hatten es eilig mit der Überarbeiteten Version unseres Food-Shops an den Start zu gehen und den deutschen Markt zu erreichen. Wir sind froh, dass wir mit eBakery einen Partner gefunden haben, der uns eine derartig schnelle und zugleich professionelle Lösung unserer Herausforderung ermöglicht hat."
"Die Zusammenarbeit mit eBakery war unkompliziert und hat letztlich schnell zum Ziel geführt. Ich wusste prinzipiell was ich haben möchte, nur wie ich den Webshop am besten umsetzen kann, war mir nicht klar. eBakery hat mir dann verschiedene Optionen aufgezeigt und schließlich hat mich der JTL-Shop als Ergebnis überzeugt."
"Das Team von eBakery hat uns von Anfang an auf professionelle Art und Weise unterstützt. Mit unserem breit aufgestellten JTL Onlineshop, verfügen wir nun über eine optimale Ergänzung zu unserem Filialnetz und sehen uns für die Zukunft gerüstet. Insbesondere in der aktuellen Corona-Krise, können wir von der Lösung bereits erheblich profitieren."
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eBakery is a JTL service partner and eCommerce agency specialized in SEO and SEA. As a JTL agency, we support you in the conception and planning of your JTL store, including the interface to the most important Internet sales portals/marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, Rakuten, and Our focus is always on the development of an individually customized solution for you including a synchronously working inventory management system (e.g. JTL Wawi) with professional warehouse management.
Most people will already know the basic SEO rules, because it starts with the domain and a talking URL. This SEO URL should be well chosen and each URL should be as understandable and readable as possible, like for example this URL for our article about JTL SEO – we use here as speaking URL and have created a unique (unique) URL for this keyword.
A professional search engine optimization includes a number of measures aimed at a sustainable increase in ranking, and we would like to give you important tips on JTL SEO with this article.
Onpage optimization includes the following elements:
Onpage optimization includes many more measures and should be carried out in a customer-oriented way. For this reason, regular analysis and functioning tracking is important.
Offpage optimization includes the following elements:
The goal of offpage optimization is to achieve higher popularity for the JTL store. The fastest way to achieve this is through good products and good content. The more websites link back to your JTL store, the higher the awareness, reputation or visibility.
Control with the tools at your disposal how your JTL store is found. A good option is the Google Search Console, but also paid tools like Xovi, Sistrix or Searchmetrics.
Search engine optimization begins during the development of the online store. You should do a keyword research and optimize your JTL store for selected keywords even before the design, hosting and going live of the JTL store.
What is your target group really looking for? With the help of a keyword research you will find out. With various tools, such as the Google Keyword Planner, you can determine which keywords (search terms) end consumers use to search the Internet and also how often this happens on average, for example, via
The metadata in JTL store, title tag and meta description are very important onpage factors and important JTL SEO measures. In the page title(title tag) the keyword chosen for the particular page should never be missing, as well as in the page description(meta description). The content of a meta description, among other things, is not directly used by Google in the ranking calculation of a website. A perfect meta description is mostly in the eye of the beholder, or the searcher, as for them the meta description is a first indicator about the content of the web page. However, when your JTL store is displayed on a search results page (SERP), the click-through rate (CTR) is an important success factor.
A professional product presentation is part of a serious online business, images must therefore not be excluded from the JTL SEO optimization. Just like text, images can be optimized for search engine friendliness.
In order to be rated as high as possible, it is important that the uploaded images are unique and of high quality. To stand out from competitors and rivals, it is important to use self-produced images of the products and not to resort to the manufacturer’s images.
In addition, the size of the images also has an impact on the search engine ranking. An optimal image is at least 300,000 pixels in size and has an edge length of at least 600 pixels. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to the file size of the images, as this may have a negative impact on the loading times of the JTL store.
It goes without saying that the file names of the images used should be as short and meaningful as possible. If it cannot be avoided and several words are to be strung together, it is advisable to separate them with a hyphen; all words should always be written in lower case.
However, Google and Co. are not able to read images, so it is a good idea to add alt attributes to the images. The respective image should be described precisely and contain relevant keywords. This also allows search engines to see what is on the images and include this information in their indexing. The Alt attribute assignment can be found in the JTL Shop under: Storefront > Images > Settings.
These are just a few tips that you can incorporate into your JTL SEO strategy, the important thing is to never stop optimizing because the competition never sleeps.
If you are interested in JTL SEO, we look forward to hearing from you. As a JTL service partner, we will be happy to advise you on all your questions regarding the JTL Shop. Start optimizing your online store for search engine today and trust on eCommerce agency for your digital success -eBakery.
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