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Known from:

JTL Software gmbh

Your JTL service partner eBakery

"eBakery puts together your personal recipe for success in e-commerce business - in the quality and taste you like. The result: you save time and money. But not in quality."
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Gambio GmbH

E-commerce solutions to suit your taste.

"Want a new website that boosts your sales and generates more leads than your current one? As an independent e-commerce consultancy, eBakery optimizes your strategy, online store and online marketing including the interface to the most important internet sales portals and price search engines such as eBay, Amazon, Yatego, in the same look and feel of your online store."
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Word filter

E-commerce solutions to suit your taste.

"eBakery delivers free and valuable content to merchants through many channels. Furthermore, the agency is very customer-focused, open and transparent. I think that's good. And finally, Ali's target group is small and medium-sized retailers. So you guys."
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E-commerce tips

What can merchants expect from Afterbuy in the future?

"Once again, a lot has happened at Afterbuy in the past few months. Mohammed Ali Oukassi found out what this means for traders and where the journey will continue in the future!"
To the article

Real passion for e-commerce

"Known for his skills around merchandise management coupled with his sensibilities as a business consultant, Ali wants to help other eCommerce companies move forward. A team with all the skills for online stores and outstanding store knowledge rounds out his company philosophy of completing projects to the best of his ability."
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Shopware Business Partner

"With eBakery on your side, you have the best opportunity to really take off with Shopware. We support you with marketing, design, set-up, connection to merchandise management systems such as JTL Wawi or pixi* and reconciliation to eBay, Amazon, or Rakuten."
To the article

SUCCESS Magazine

Report about Mohamed Ali Oukassi in ERFOLG magazine

"Our CEO Mohamed Ali Oukassi received a special mention in ERFOLG Magazine. This is primarily about his career to date as well as his particular skills as an eCommerce consultant and multichannel expert."
To the article

Forum Sustainable Management

Mohamed Ali Oukassi and the Greenpeace Action Return Son

"Inspired by the Greenpeace #Retourensohn campaign, eBakery is stepping up its commitment to avoiding returns in order to help save resources. Here's a report on it from the magazine "Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften.""
To the article

Online Trade Day

Which ERP fits my online strategy?

"Experience top-notch experts from your industry, and dive into the latest topics and new inspirations in eCommerce."
To the article


Mohamed Ali Oukassi launches new fundraising campaign with eCommerce entrepreneurs

After the success in the pre-Christmas season last year, Mohamed Ali Oukassi is again launching a new fundraising campaign for children with cancer in 2018. The appeal for donations ran until Christmas 2017. The total donation of over € 11,000 was presented with a symbolic check at the Blue House at the end of December. All donors to the campaign were invited to the handover. The interested guests were thus able to get a personal impression of the work of the association on site.
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Middle class news

Owner of the eCommerce agency eBakery - Mohamed Ali Oukassi

"Introducing Mohamed Ali Oukassi and eBakery in Medium Business News."
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An entrepreneur relies on IntegrationIn

"eBakery is also about human values! Here is an article that focuses on the career of our employee Hassan Bajwa, from intern to front-end manager."
To the article


E-commerce agency eBakery becomes more international

"Press report on eBakery's increasingly international focus. Among other things, this is also about our Italian employee Maria Teresa, who will be taking more care of our YouTube channel in the future."
To the article


How a holistic eCommerce strategy can give you advantages

"Mohamed Ali Oukassi on the topic of how holistic approaches to e-commerce can create intelligent synergy effects and benefit from versatile advantages. Among other things, this is about the topics of multichannel and marketing..."
To the article

IT system administrator

When help is needed in e-commerce

"Among other things, this is about our competencies as a Shopify agency, but also about how to basically find the most suitable system. Ali Oukassi offers some basic considerations in this regard."
To the article

ECO World

Sustainability in e-commerce

"This is how eBakery contributes to the topic of sustainability in e-commerce. Lots of information about this on the environmental blog ECO World."
To the article

IT meeting

eBakery - the passionate JTL service partner

"eBakery is often associated with JTL - and rightly so! For a long time we have been working in partnership and directly with JTL Software and have extensive experience in this area. On the platform IT-Treff there is an interesting article about this..."
To the article


Mohamed Ali Oukassi - Specialist for Amazon SEO and more

"Report about our Amazon SEO services at eBakery on techfacts magazine."
To the article

Women's Panorama

Women hardly represented in the e-commerce industry

"Interesting post on how eBakery is increasing women's participation in e-commerce. Among other things, this is also about our employee Maria Teresa and how she found her way to us through an ERASMUS program."
To the article

Apple News

About using JTL on the Mac

"Many times it is believed that using JTL on the Mac would be problematic. Mohamed Ali Oukassi clarifies and provides some insights in this article."
To the article


Flexibility and scalability are Shopify's biggest plus points

"Interesting insights from our CEO Mohamed Ali Oukassi on Shopify. This is a report on the particular strengths of the store system and what eBakery can do for its customers here."
To the article

Corona - supply chain collapse looms

"The Corona crisis is keeping us all firmly in suspense. In this article, Mohamed Ali Oukassi clarifies what we need to watch out for and what the Corona deal means for international e-commerce supply chains."
To the article

Corona crisis brings risks but also opportunities

"This is also about the current Corona issue. Ali Oukassi reports here on the implications and how best to deal with them as an online retailer. Along with risks, there will be great opportunities and winners..."
To the article


On the need for mobile first

"On the Internet, more and more is being done on the go via smartphone or tablet. Accordingly, websites and online stores must also adapt to this circumstance. In this post, there are some insights into how eBakery is dealing with this specifically."
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Money Worlds

Tips from Mohamend Ali Oukassi on the subject of Corona funding.

"A technical article by our Managing Director Mohamed Ali Oukassi around the topic of Corona grants. When are these due? How to get the appropriate grants? Money Worlds magazine provides a useful summary here."
To the article


Corona news: Amazon prioritizes certain products in fulfillment centers

"Advice from Mohamed Ali Oukassi on how to deal with Amazon's new shipping policy in the Corona crisis."
To the article

Who does not bet on online trade now has lost!

"On the need in the Corona crisis to focus on online commerce, Here are some interesting quotes from our owner on the subject, among others."
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E-commerce becomes more mobile

"Shopping via the Internet is happening more and more on the move, for example via smartphone. E-commerce agencies such as eBakery also have to respond to this trend. This article provides some interesting background info on that."
To the article

Dirk's computer corner

Shopware offers high flexibility for modern online trade

"Interesting insights into the Shopware system. You'll also find an overview of our Shopware service portfolio and how we support our customers in this area."
To the article

Support for Magento 1 - our advice

"On the occasion of the end of support for Magento 1, Ali Oukassi reveals here some important information as well as specific behavioral suggestions due to the upcoming event. Further, he points out that eBakery can support accordingly."
To the article

Ali Oukassi recalls the end of support for Magento 1

"Again, this is about the Magento 1 phase-out and what to do about it, according to Moahmed Ali Oukassi."
To the article


On course for growth with eBakery

"Portrait of our founder Mohamed Ali Oukassi. How did it all start and what were the first steps with eBakery. AKTIEN CHECK magazine provides an informative overview of how our agency has become what it is today, and how Ali Oukassi himself has continued to develop in the process."
To the article


What comes after Magento 1?

"Due to the current occasion (end of support for Magento 1), eBakery owner Oukassi describes here how best to deal with the situation."
To the article

E-commerce entrepreneur Mohamed Ali Oukassi

"An interesting story about the career of our founder Mohamed Ali Oukassi..."
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Interview with a Shopify specialist

"Mohamed Ali Oukassi in an interview on the portal MY STARTUP. The conversation will also cover the current Corona situation, among other things."
To the article

What should a Shopware SEO agency do?

"Netztuner" magazine went into detail here in an article about what to look out for when it comes to Shopware SEO. eBakery was mentioned here as an example."
To the article

How to find a JTL service partner

"Mohamed Ali Oukassi has written a guest post on the Trustedshops platform. Topic is the correct search and selection of a JTL service partner".
To the article


This is how the Shopware Shop comes forward SEO-technically

"Shopware and SEO are two things that in principle go well together. However, it takes a lot of know-how to take care of all the details here. eBakery provides some insights on this at this point."
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online marketplace

Cooperation between eBakery, JTL and delivery bag

"eBakery supported the StartUp Liefertüte and JTL in the technical implementation of an innovative delivery system. Here is an interesting report on the subject."
To the article

What's new with Shopware 6?

"Here, in collaboration with eBakery, we covered what's new in Shopware 6."
To the article

Online retailer news

The online store as a second mainstay for the retail store

"Our owner Mohamed Ali Oukassi wrote a report on OHN about the future of brick-and-mortar stores and how to effectively build a second (digital) foothold."
To the article


Three important store systems that bring an e-commerce business forward

"In a report about widely used store systems, eBakery was mentioned by the well-known magazine Qutenmeter."
To the article

A rapid development: the career of Shopify

"On the IT trade portal we were mentioned in a story about Shopify's career as a named agency. For years, we've helped stores get started with Shopify and set up the store system optimally."
To the article

Interview with Mr. E-Commerce

"Our owner Ali Oukassi was interviewed by the portal LEIPZIG INFO. The focus was on the question of what city centers will look like in the future and in what way they will be dovetailed with online retailing."
To the article

Digitizing retail stores - what support do self-employed people need?

"Especially in the current climate, it is particularly important that retail stores are ready for the digital age. On eBakery was mentioned as an important contact in such matters."
To the article

Berlin Sunday paper

Magento agency eBakery - everything from one source!

"On the portal Berliner Sonntagsblatt we were mentioned and presented as a recommendable service provider in the area of Magento."
To the article


E-commerce boom: Which store systems are hot?

"The newspaper reports on the e-commerce boom currently taking place and which store systems are relevant in this respect. eBakery was mentioned here and highlighted as a service provider."

Trainee World

Acute shortage of skilled workers: finding jobs in e-commerce

"Ali Oukassi will be on hand at AZUBI WORLD to answer questions about the shortage of skilled workers in the e-commerce sector. Also mentioned here is how eBakery is committed to supporting career changers as well as their continuing education."
To the article

Product videos for Amazon: So important are the smallest details for a good appearance

Mohamed Ali Oukassi in conversation with Digital Age magazine. Among other things, this is about suitable product videos for Amazon as well as the good presentation of products in general.
To the article

eBakery: e-commerce agency with sales in the millions is still looking for specialists

An interesting article about the rapid growth of e-commerce agency eBakery. Here we take a look at the background and recapitulate the beginnings of our agency.
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Shopify - a comprehensive SaaS online store builder

In this article, we will take a closer look at the background of the Shopify system. Our agency and our founder Ali Oukassi are also mentioned and cited as an example of a service provider.
To the article

eBakery experience: Flexible working conditions for employee Evelyn

An article about our employee Evelyn, who thanks to eBakery now has her dream job incl. of flexible working hours. This is how you reconcile work and family.
To the article

Discover Hanover

For these reasons, social media marketing is becoming increasingly important for companies

Here Ali Oukassi was mentioned in a post about social media. Among other things, the article is about the right interlocking between onpage content as well as the right interlocking with social media.
To the article

Experience as a social media agency (an insight)

This article is about the expertise in social media that eBakery has as an agency in this field. Among others, Ali Oukassi is quoted here.
To the article

How customers benefit from Mohamed Ali Oukassi and his team

This report provides insights into eBakery customers' experiences with our services. Among other things, the individual sub-areas of our services are discussed.

eBakery experience: Teamwork comes first

At eBakery, teamwork is written in capital letters! This article is also about the good atmosphere and the professional way of working in our team.
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eBakery wins German Web Awards prize: Good experience pays off!

We are proud to announce that we have won the German-Web-Award. This was also reported by Handelsblatt, among others.
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Frankfurt LIVE

Money Box Challenge: Ali Oukassi campaigns for the homeless in the station district

Ali Oukassi carried out a campaign to benefit homeless people in Frankfurt's Bahnhofsviertel. Among other things, it was about drawing attention to grievances and raising some money.
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Digitize retail stores with the help of JTL

Here you will find interesting insights into JTL's solution portfolio. First, it explains what the software offers. Among other things, the text also mentions our agency.
To the article

Office of the Union

The club's own online store - simply sell products

This is about online stores for clubs. In the course of the article, eBakery is mentioned as a recommended service provider for suitable solutions for club stores. Among other things, this is also about the store software JTL.
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