"Dank dem beherzten Eingreifen von eBakery und deren routiniertem Umgang mit der JTL Wawi konnte man uns schnell und unbürokratisch weiterhelfen. Mein besonderer Dank geht an den Mitarbeiter Benjamin Lambrecht, der seinen Samstag Abend für unseren Shop aufgebracht hat und das dringende Problem zügig löste."
"Wir sind begeistert von der Lösungsorientierten und pragmatischen Gangart, der extrem hohen Leistungsbereitschaft und Verfügbarkeit sowie dem persönlichen wie professionellem Vorgehen des gesamten eBakery Teams!"
"Wir fühlten uns von Anfang an gut durch eBakery beraten. Durch den Einsatz der JTL Produktpalette verfügen wir nun über ein hervorragendes Onlineshopsystem, welches modular erweiterbar ist und verschiedene Marktplatzanbindungen ermöglicht. Zudem gibt uns unsere Multichannel Strategie zusätzliche Umsatzsicherheit in der aktuellen Krise."
"Wir haben uns für eBakery als JTL Servicepartner entschieden, da man hier über viele Jahre Erfahrung in genau diesem Spezialgebiet verfügt. Unser Shop und die Auftragsabwicklung laufen sehr stabil. Mein besonderer Dank geht an Mohamed Ali Oukassi, der sich persönlich um die JTL-Wawi Einrichtung gekümmert hat."
"Wir hatten es eilig mit der Überarbeiteten Version unseres Food-Shops an den Start zu gehen und den deutschen Markt zu erreichen. Wir sind froh, dass wir mit eBakery einen Partner gefunden haben, der uns eine derartig schnelle und zugleich professionelle Lösung unserer Herausforderung ermöglicht hat."
"Wir hatten es eilig mit der Überarbeiteten Version unseres Food-Shops an den Start zu gehen und den deutschen Markt zu erreichen. Wir sind froh, dass wir mit eBakery einen Partner gefunden haben, der uns eine derartig schnelle und zugleich professionelle Lösung unserer Herausforderung ermöglicht hat."
"Die Zusammenarbeit mit eBakery war unkompliziert und hat letztlich schnell zum Ziel geführt. Ich wusste prinzipiell was ich haben möchte, nur wie ich den Webshop am besten umsetzen kann, war mir nicht klar. eBakery hat mir dann verschiedene Optionen aufgezeigt und schließlich hat mich der JTL-Shop als Ergebnis überzeugt."
"Das Team von eBakery hat uns von Anfang an auf professionelle Art und Weise unterstützt. Mit unserem breit aufgestellten JTL Onlineshop, verfügen wir nun über eine optimale Ergänzung zu unserem Filialnetz und sehen uns für die Zukunft gerüstet. Insbesondere in der aktuellen Corona-Krise, können wir von der Lösung bereits erheblich profitieren."
In unserem Magazin finden Sie Anleitungen und neue Ideen, rund um den E-Commerce
zum MagazinWe cover all your e-commerce needs! Our range of services extends from online shop systems to ERP systems, marketplace connections and online marketing.
Instead of projects, we prefer to talk about success stories! Browse through our customer references and discover what the press has to say about us.
Every successful e-commerece project requires a great deal of expertise. Our philosophy is not to keep this knowledge to ourselves, but to share it. You can find interesting tutorials, downloads, tools and much more here.
As a professional link building agency we help you to achieve a long-term improvement of the visibility of your website or webshop within the search results of Google and Co. Due to our years of practical experience we are able to achieve a sustainable increase in the number of visitors to your website by using all relevant measures and instruments. Discuss your ranking goals with us and get a custom linkbuildng offer from us!
Link building refers to all measures aimed at generating external links (so-called backlinks) for an Internet presence. For this purpose, there is a wide range of tools available and numerous measures that can be used to create links that point directly to your website or online store. This is important for the success of a web presence in several ways. On the one hand, backlinks are an important factor that search engines take into account when ranking their search results. The more links from reputable websites point to a URL, the more relevant the respective target page is classified and evaluated accordingly. However, in order to achieve the best possible results, link building should not be done without a strategy. Above all, it is important to pay attention to the following aspects:
However, this is only an excerpt of possible criteria. The selection of suitable link sources is preceded by a comprehensive analysis by our experts. In total, we offer the following services:
Comprehensive link building from content is the starting point for generating more traffic to your site. We help you to find a suitable strategy, provide you with relevant websites and support you in active link building. Of course, we operate link building with a sustainable strategy, taking into account the Google guidelines, in order to avoid the risk of possible punishment in the first place. Our link building experts will also be happy to show you link building measures that are suitable for you individually and help you with the implementation. In doing so, we make use of the following instruments, among others:
Content marketing is a holistic approach that focuses on creating quality content for link placement. The higher the quality of the content, the higher the chance that users will use the link to get more information on the topic on the target page. Content marketing includes all media content, not only text, but also image, video or audio formats.
Through a comprehensive analysis of competitors, it is possible to find out which links lead from which pages to their Internet presences. In this way, it may be possible to find suitable websites on which you can also place a link. In addition, you will get an overall impression of how your competitors are positioned and to what extent they are engaged in link building. Rely on our expertise as a link building agency to evaluate such results!
An analysis of your backlink profile is recommended at the beginning of any link building strategy. The optimization of the backlink profile succeeds much better if all links that already point to the respective web presence are known at the beginning. As a link building agency, we can give you important suggestions and input on how to usefully link to the existing profile or whether there are any problems with it. In this case, we also provide you with important recommendations for action.
Under certain circumstances, it may make sense to clean up the existing backlink profile, because not every link has a positive effect on the rating. Links that come from dubious sites, for example, or sites that have hardly any visitors, can even have a negative effect on the ranking. Our link building professionals will be happy to assist you in cleaning up your backlink profile. So we contact operators and arrange deletions -or we tell Google via Search Console that correspondingly harmful links should be ignored.
Regular monitoring is indispensable for a long-term effective link building strategy. Only with a documented approach, the effectiveness of the individual measures can be reviewed in retrospect and optimized if necessary. Through our regular reporting, you have maximum transparency about our performance and the effectiveness of implemented measures at all times.
Link building is a part of online marketing that requires a lot of experience in order to be able to implement measures as optimally as possible and, above all, in a targeted manner. Only by taking all relevant factors into account is it possible to keep a web presence in the top positions of the search results of the respective search engines sustainably and in the long term.Therefore, link building is not a one-time affair, but must be understood much more as a continuous process that must not be missing in any online strategy. An agency can significantly contribute to regular link building under professional conditions, so that website operators, companies and online retailers can fully focus on their core business. It does not matter whether you only let our link building agency carry out individual measures, or develop an overall concept together with us, that as a long-term
strategy is pursued and covers all relevant areas.
Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation and explore with our experts at eBakery the benefits that a custom link building strategy can bring you. Please let us know what measures you have already taken and how you envision a future target state.
Frankfurt on the Main
Europa-Allee 2
60327 Frankfurt on the Main
Phone: +49 (0) 69173265820
Opening hours:
Mon – Fri: 10:00 – 18:00
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