idealo interface for JTL-Wawi

Who does not know the price search engine – But did you know that idealo acts as a marketplace? Marcos software connects idealo with Unicorn 2 and thus enables an interface for JTL-Wawi. Accordingly, Marc Costea gives you some tips for optimization and selection options. as a marketplace

The name idealo is well known. Many associate this with a pure price search engine. But idealo is much more. This is because idealo also acts as a marketplace with its“idealo Direktkauf” marketplace concept. Your customers can use the price search engine to find the cheapest item first and then buy it directly via the marketplace. This gives real added value, because there is a fusion between price search engine and marketplace. idealo can use the great experience it has already gained as a price search engine for its new function as a marketplace. In the process, the marketplace concept is connected with Unicorn 2. Unicorn 2 is the multichannel middleware that has been tried and tested since 2015 and with which JTL-Wawi can be connected to many other marketplaces.

Advantages of the idealo interface for JTL-Wawi

There are many advantages for you as a dealer:

Much traffic, less costs

A large amount of traffic is generated because idealo has already made a big name for itself in e-commerce. At the same time, you don’t have the costs that you would actually pay for customers who bail out, for example. Customers who are new to the store but have problems checking out, or who don’t come to the store mobile optimized and end up putting their phone away. This is because a customer only has to log on to idealo briefly and can complete the check out process with just two clicks. Checking out is therefore quick and easy on This also increases the conversation rate.

More convenient for customers

It’s much more convenient for your customers to do everything on one page instead of being redirected to another page, for example. The new page may not be mobile optimized and the customer may not complete their purchase due to this. If the user can do everything on one page and, as already mentioned, with just a few clicks, this also increases usability.


The marketplace also offers your customer a sense of security. Because the name idealo is already known, unlike perhaps the name of the website to which he is redirected to make the purchase. This is an important aspect for idealo, because a lot of time is invested in this in the e-commerce area. If your customer feels confident, they are much more likely to actually make the purchase. This is an important point for your sales, of course.

Try Unicorn 2 for free

The really great thing about the whole thing is that you can test Unicorn 2 for two weeks completely free of charge and with it Thus, you can directly convince yourself of all the benefits and will note certain rapid success. Try it out so that nothing stands in the way of you and a successful sale.

We take care of the connection

You are interested in idealo as a marketplace and in a connection with Unicorn 2? Then do not hesitate to contact us. We take care of all technical aspects around the interface with JTL-Wawi and are happy to answer any questions you may have.

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