Crowdfox marketplace connection through Unicorn 2

Crowdfox, an insider tip among the marketplaces? A marketplace without a basic fee. Find out how Crowdfox still stands out from traditional marketplaces in this video.

A variety of marketplaces

You are active in online trade? Then you are certainly already familiar with some marketplaces. Whereas in the past it was mainly large marketplaces such as eBay or Amazon that were known, smaller niche marketplaces are becoming increasingly popular. This is mainly due to the fact that each individual marketplace has its own unique advantages. Also, with the variety of marketplaces, just about every sector, but also every target audience is covered. All you have to do is decide which of these marketplaces is suitable for your range of items and concerns. As a German dealer, do you want to sell only in Germany? Or pursue an international multichannel strategy? Which system can handle everything? To find the ideal marketplace, you should think about these questions.

The marketplace Crowdfox

Founded in 2014, Crowdfox operates and develops shopping and comparison portals for corporations, medium-sized companies and end consumers. It thus acts as a price comparison platform for private and business customers. Today you can find over 300 million product offers and thousands of suppliers on Crowdfox. Crowdfox is all about technology. With the introduction of the first AI purchasing and comparison platform, the marketplace enables savings in purchasing prices and process costs.

Marketplace connectivity through Unicorn 2

If Crowdfox sounds interesting to you, you are certainly thinking about how the technical process takes place. Are you already using JTL? Then you should take a closer look at Unicorn 2. Unicorn 2 is a multichannel middleware that allows you to connect JTL-Wawi to multiple marketplaces. JTL-Wawi is the free merchandise management system from JTL, from which you can centrally control all workflows. The interface not only allows you to connect to Crowdfox. If you are already successful on one marketplace, you can connect even more marketplaces with Unicorn 2. You continue to control everything centrally from your merchandise management system. This means that you can start selling online without much technical knowledge.

Crowdfox advantages

Crowdfox differs from the classic marketplaces in a few ways. Because the marketplace goes to great lengths to get the most out of your items. And that, in addition to your listing, your items will be further listed and even sold in the end. Probably the biggest advantage of Crowdfox is that as a merchant you don ‘t pay a basic fee. You only pay a sales commission when an item is actually sold. You can also test Unicorn 2 free of charge for 14 days. This means that you can get to know a completely new marketplace at no cost. This also allows you to price your items better than other marketplaces. Since the base fee is eliminated, you’ll end up with more revenue. No costs, no risks, in return you get a professional marketplace and a multichannel interface.

You are interested in Crowdfox?

Your goal is to become successful in online retail and to conquer different marketplaces with the right multichannel strategy? With us at your side, you get a reliable partner who can support you in every aspect from start to finish.

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