JTL 2 DATEV for preparatory financial accounting in JTL- Wawi

What’s the deal with the readout process, posting batch and revenue account control around the JTL 2 DATEV interface? Find out everything you need to know about the interface in the first episode of the “Jera GmbH in eCommerce Talk” format. For even more detailed information, feel free to check out a longer interview with Johannes Seidel of Jera GmbH.

Accounting is a part of online trade

In online retailing, very different aspects have to work together to guarantee sustainable success. Of course, your main goal will be to generate a lot of sales. And that is absolutely correct. You will probably also give a lot of thought to how you can achieve this. Should you pursue a multichannel strategy? Or aim for internationalization? What many online retailers somewhat neglect, however, is the extremely complex topic of financial accounting. Imagine you are successful on a marketplace and sell many of your products. But what happens when you can’t keep up with the bookkeeping? Bookkeeping is part of online trading and Jera GmbH has found a way to support you with this topic.

2 DATEV interfaces of Jera GmbH

Indeed, Jera GmbH specializes in financial accounting interfaces for online retail. With these 2 DATEV FIBU interfaces, the company connects eCommerce with financial accounting. DATEV itself can also be seen as a synonym for other accounting systems, because the DATEV format can be processed by many different systems. Jera GmbH has developed interfaces for ERP systems, store systems and even marketplaces. Very special attention is paid to JTL. JTL-Wawi is an innovative ERP system with which you can centrally control and manage all your business processes. Just like JTL-Wawi itself, the JTL 2 DATEV interface can do a lot.

The JTL 2 DATEV interface

From JTL, the JTL 2 DATEV interface reads out not only the invoice data but also all credit notes. This happens with a readout process by creating a FIBU posting batch. This means that the JTL 2 DATEV interface converts all your sales data that you maintain in your Wawi into a DATEV format. This way they can be given to your tax advisor, who can also import them directly into the accounting system. The generated FIBU posting batch can be assigned to different revenue accounts. Means: In this revenue account control, you can separate the accounts into different categories. This includes, for example, revenue accounts by country, customer group, item group or platform used.

Another important point is the payment allocation

The separation of the revenue accounts enables a reasonable evaluation in the accounting later on. Statements about the different revenue areas in your company can be viewed and analyzed in detail through this process. A second and important core point of the JTL 2 DATEV interface is the payment assignment. In addition to the classic payment systems such as Paypal or Amazon, other payment service providers are also supported. Among others stripe, heidelpay and Skrill. Payment service providers are a topic where the trend can also change quickly. Therefore, it is worthwhile to look at the list of Jera GmbH from time to time to see if new names have been added or if old names are no longer supported.

Payment reconciliation and various ADD Ons

In addition, the JTL 2 DATEV interface can also organize the bank payment reconciliation. In addition, the FIBU interfaces offer various ADD ONs that further simplify and automate very specific issues, such as

  • MT940 Bank data reconciliation
  • Delivery thresholds monitoring
  • EU-TAX reporting with DutyPay
  • Intrastat declarations
  • Cost accounting

JTL 2 DATEV is a complex program with an enormous potential. Once you become familiar with the interface, you will have a whole new perspective on the world of finance.

Successfully use JTL 2 DATEV interface

You want to use all advantages of the 2 DATEV interfaces? Please feel free to contact Jera GmbH for this. Do you still need additional information about eCommerce? Our experts will be happy to assist you with your request. Our goal is to successfully put your request into practice.

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