JTL-Wawi SEO – Add meta data in JTL-Wawi

JTL-Wawi SEO includes all search engine optimizing measures within the merchandise management system of JTL-Software. This also includes the optimization and integration of meta data in JTL-Wawi. We will show you how this works with an example article. So if you want to know how to add meta data in JTL-Wawi, feel free to watch our screencast or continue reading below the video.

JTL-Wawi SEO through integration of meta data

In order to perform these JTL SEO actions, we first need to go into JTL-Wawi. At this point we assume that a category with at least one article has already been created.
We click as the first step on this article by means of double-click.
In this window we select the Description tab and the Metadata (SEO) submenu.

Meta data is your business card on Google

As you can see, this field consists of four columns. Generally speaking, this meta data acts as your article’s business card on Google. This means that everything you enter here will also be played out on Google. However, the search engine description – the so-called meta description – is limited to 170 characters. This description should be created conscientiously, which means that the USPs should be included, the most important product features should be made clear and your potential customers should be prompted to buy by means of a call-to-action. Both the title tag and the meta description should contain your keywords.

Meta keywords can be neglected

The URL path should also contain your focus keyword, as this is displayed in bold in the SERPs and is also registered by the Google algorithm. The meta keywords can be neglected in this case, as they are not indexed by common search engines like Bing and Google.

JTL-Wawi SEO – Meta data optimization summarized

In summary, your URL should be meaningful and contain the focus keyword, your title tag should not be too long, otherwise it will be cut off, and your meta description should briefly describe your product in 170 characters, contain the unique selling proposition and the most important product features, and encourage the potential customer to buy via CTA, i.e. call to action. If you pay attention to these things, you have already taken a step towards SEO optimization of your products in JTL-Wawi.

JTL SEO with eBakery

If you are interested in further JTL SEO measures or have general questions about the JTL software, feel free to contact us and get a free initial consultation via phone, email or contact form at

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