JTL-Wawi single user client installation

Below you will find installation instructions for a single-user installation of JTL-Wawi on a Windows PC or notebook. You can download the program for free on the website of the provider JTL-Software. The prerequisite is a system with a current Windows version.

Update: This post from 07.08.2013 was updated on 12.05.2023.

Download the latest version of JTL-Wawi here: https://www.jtl-software.de/JTL-Wawi-Download

Download page JTL-Wawi

Now you need to save the file to a desired location. When the download is complete, please open Explorer and launch the executable file. If necessary, security instructions from Windows must be confirmed.

JTL-Wawi Select storage location

For the standalone installation of JTL Wawi, leave the SQL Server details as they are and click “Next”:

JTL-Wawi Setup

Here please accept the license agreement and click “Next” again:

JTL-Wawi Setup

The destination folder can be left as it is and clicking “Next” again will continue the installation. Approximately 1.2 GB of free disk space is required to install the current version.

JTL-Wawi Setup

Select here if a start menu entry should be created:

JTL-Wawi Setup

Now everything is pre-set and you can click on “Install”:

JTL-Wawi Install

JTL ERP is installed on the computer.

Install JTL Merchandise Management

Now the installation has been performed. If you want, you can jump directly to the help at this point. Otherwise, you can start JTL-Wawi now and begin with the setup.

Start JTL-Wawi

If you have any further questions about the installation or even correct use of the program, you are also welcome to contact us as an experienced JTL agency. eBakery is happy to support them in all aspects.

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