Notes on the JTL Shopify Connector

These 6 things you should absolutely pay attention to

In this video we will give you 6 tips about the JTL Shopify connector that you should definitely pay attention to. Which parameters are transferred? What should be considered in advance before store matching? Which functions are not supported? All that in this Shopify tutorial.

Connect Shopify and JTL-Wawi

We had already shown you in advance what JTL-Connector is, that it can be used to connect online stores of different systems with JTL-Wawi and how the whole thing works, for example. works for Shopify. But there are a few things to keep in mind specifically for Shopify, which we want to show you in this video. 6 hints if you use Shopify with JTL-Wawi.

Notes on the JTL Shopify Connector - The multilingualism

Number 1 concerns multilingualism. This can be achieved by having multiple Shopify stores in different languages. The good news is, centralized management via JTL-Wawi is guaranteed. However, a separate Connector must be set up for each SprachShop and ultimately the respective language must then be set in the Connector settings in the Customer Center. How to combine both, you can see in our video above right.

Note number 2

Number 2 has to do with Shopify Collections. These are quasi-automated categories that organize products according to certain criteria. This helps your customers find the right product quickly and easily. So far so good. However, there are two types of Shopify Collections. The Custom and the Smart Collections. Custom or manual collections are, as the name suggests, created manually and can therefore also be controlled by JTL-Wawi. Smart Collections that, so to speak, create themselves on the basis of given conditions, e.g. “Compose a price cheaper than 200$”, these are not controllable in JTL-Wawi. Therefore, only custom collections are imported during an import. Keep this in mind.

Notes on the JTL Shopify Connector - Create Root Category

Number 3 is more of a tip and that is: Create a separate root category in JTL-Wawi for all Shopify Connectors.
JTL itself writes about this:

In Shopify, there is only one category level. For this reason, an article that belongs to a subcategory is assigned to the respective highest superordinate category (Level 1) during a comparison.

Therefore it would be advisable to create a separate root category for the connector.

The variant articles

Number 4 concerns the variant articles. In Shopify, a variation item consists of a product with product variations attached to it. Images can only be assigned to the product. However, it is possible to link a single image to a product variant.
To be able to map this in JTL-Wawi, all product images are assigned to the parent item. Only the image, which is linked to a product variant, is stored in JTL-Wawi at the corresponding child item. Due to the limitation that only one product image can be associated with a product variant in Shopify, only the image with the highest priority of a child item will be uploaded during matching. So pay attention to the prioritization here.

Notes on the JTL Shopify Connector - The Metafields

Our number 5 is a topic that we just covered in the last episode. The Shopify Metafields.
But how are these fields managed in JTL-Wawi?
About attributes. Therefore it is important that the following checkboxes are set in the connector settings in the Customer Center:

  • Meta field attributes always start with meta_. So the attribute “meta_field” represents a meta field with the name “field”.
  • Meta fields in Shopify have a namespace. The namespace can be appended to the attribute name by a colon (meta_field:namespace). If this is not attached (meta_field), the namespace “global” is used.
  • Meta fields in Shopify also have a type. The type is also appended to the attribute name by a colon. (meta_field:namespace:type). If no type is specified in the attribute name (meta_name[:namespace]), then the deprecated type “String” is used by default. The default type “String” will be replaced by a non-deprecated type in the longer term. Which metafield types exist can be found in the following link

Our number 6

nd our number 6 is obvious but repeatedly neglected, which can lead to major problems.
The database backup.
When transferring large amounts of data, errors can occur that compromise the integrity of the data. Therefore, make sure that you backup your JTL-Wawi database before using the JTL-Connector – especially before you start the online store synchronization. Furthermore, plan enough time. Especially with many image files this can take some time.

If you have any questions, please contact eBakery

These were our 6 tips if you have connected Shopify and JTL-Wawi via JTL-Connector or plan to do so in the future. We are happy to carry out the process and support you both as a Shopify agency and as a JTL agency.

Do you have questions or need an individual offer? Do not hesitate to contact us.

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