Optimize goods receipt with JTL-WMS

From the supplier order to the correct receipt of goods

The typical goods receipt can of course be controlled with JTL Packing Table+. However, JTL-WMS brings additional functions. Both of them have a very useful function: if there are still open orders from customers in the background and a still needed item is scanned, the program assigns this just scanned item to the oldest open order. The customer who has been waiting for a longer time also gets his goods first. But what other advantages does JTL-WMS offer?

Ordered goods arrive

When new goods arrive, you can stow them in different ways. JTL-WMS knows, for example, in which storage bins there are no items yet and suggests suitable storage bins. Afterwards, you can either use a printed stock list, based on which you place the items in the selected bins. You will also get suggestions on a smartphone or tablet where to store the items if you use JTL-WMS Mobile. The JTL packing table+ does not know storage bins, which is sufficient for small warehouses. But if you have several thousand items in the warehouse, or use employees and temporary workers, it is too little. Training takes too long and the risk of error is high.

Handle returns correctly

For returns, you can specify an item condition, or optionally even resend items that are in equally good condition directly to another customer.

Unordered goods arrive

You can also store goods directly without a supplier order, which did not come via an order with JTL-Wawi. This could be the case with a telephone order. You can then scan these items right away. JTL-WMS automatically creates a supplier order for it. Optionally, completely new articles can be created in a rudimentary way and then posted. The article can then be supplemented with further data via JTL-Wawi and made available in the online store or on a platform such as eBay.

And if the goods do not have a unique barcode? Then JTL-WMS can optionally create a unique label via workflows that you can use for this item through all systems.

So JTL-WMS offers you many advantages and is free of charge in the first license. Would you like to learn more? Contact us right away to schedule a free initial consultation.

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