When is JTL Shop 5 coming?

The release date of the new version of the JTL store has been awaited for a long time. The third release candidate came out on October 09, 2020 and, according to JTL Software, is now at the stage where theme and plugin developers can begin final programming of their extensions.

However, this also means that the time is coming soon and the first official version will be available for installation and public use. JTL-Software even says that in case of an upcoming change you should wait a bit until JTL-Shop 5 is released. So it seems that it won’t be long now.

JTL Shop 5 innovations

Besides the OnPage composer, which allows you to edit content directly in the frontend, the simpler menu structure in the backend and the integrated possibility for multilingualism, some other innovations have come.

JTL-Shop 5 supports PHP 7.3 and 7.4, two secure and fast PHP versions that make your store more responsive. This not only pleases your customers, but also search engines, because a fast page load also means a high ranking – possibly even the last bit to push you ahead of your competitors.

The connection to the JTL extension store is now also complete. This allows you to install extensions directly from the store in JTL-Shop 5, without having to download them from the store and upload them again in your store.

In addition, the new UST ID verification method (MIAS) is coming. MIAS is a search engine of the European Commission that allows you to check VAT IDs. The search engine can find out whether a company has been registered for cross-border business in the EU.

You can find more new features in our detailed article about JTL-Shop 5.

JTL Shop 5 - what falls away?

Some features no longer ship with the store itself. For some, there are plugins that do the job, others fall away altogether.

Thus, some payment providers, such as EOS, wirecard, WorldPay and SafetyPay, are eliminated. In addition, some export formats such as Hardwareschotte, billiger.de and Geizhals. But also functions like “upscale images”. In this case, the image may be distorted too much and thus become blurred.

JTL Shop 4 - Update or set up again?

When the time comes and JTL-Shop 5 is officially available, you can start an update process. JTL software has worked on this for some time, because the two versions are not compatible with each other. Templates, plugins, even everything in the database can (actually) no longer be used. Some plugins can already be used, but you should clarify this beforehand.

The update process has three steps and should be performed by a professional. First, the store system is installed, then the database is converted to the new format and updated, after which files that are no longer used should be deleted.

Since we have been working with JTL-Shop 5 for a long time and are also a
JTL service partner
we can analyze your store and identify the files to be deleted.

JTL Shop 5 from the pro

The entire update process can be checked and professionally handled by us. If problems arise, we can fix them and continue the process. Even if your previous JTL store 4 is having problems, we’ll be happy to take a look and fix them.

Book professional now at www.ebakery.de/kontakt/

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