JTL Shop 5.1 Update

The new JTL Shop 5 version is now available

The JTL-Shop 5.1 update is here ✅ What else awaits you besides the new Blackline template, the change log and the compatibility with PHP 8, you can learn in our JTL-Shop 5 tutorial.

JTL Shop 5.1 Update - The new version is here

JTL Software has recently announced the new minor version of their JTL Shop 5. We were immediately convinced of this and downloaded and installed the 5.1 version from the customer center. You can find out what new features await you in the blog. As a small tip in advance, if you want to install the 5.1 version directly or want to update the store 5, we have made a video or blog for you.

Here is how you can download them

First of all the info where to find the new version. You have to log in to the JTL Customer Center and then go to Products, Online Shop, Shop Editions and then you can click on Actions behind your license and select “Downloads”. As you can see, the brand new JTL-Shop 5.1 version is available for download. How to install them you can see in our other videos or have a look at our JTL-Shop Playlist for more tutorials. We tried out the first new feature by installing the store locally with MAMP and using the PHP 8 version. As you will see, everything worked great. JTL states that the new version is now compatible with both PHP 8 and MySQL 8.

JTL Shop 5.1 Update - The new features

Another highlight is the extension of the NOVA theme. If we go to the settings and templates in the store backend, we see the new version as well as in the settings for the NOVA theme that the Blackline theme is now available. This can then look like this in the end, or so rather anthracite header and buttons. In addition, the community’s wish was heard and the left sidebar was reactivated. This puts an end to the customer’s search. If you now go to the shipping area in the administration area of your backend, you will discover the country management. This is independent of the country management in JTL-Wawi. It now allows you, for example, to rename or add countries there that may also exist under a different name in JTL-Wawi. However, you may also want to specify on a shop-specific basis whether a country should be available for registrations and billing addresses. This is now possible.

JTL Service Partner eBakery

Also new is the change log, with which your store administrator as well as we as a JTL service partner can track at any time whether and which settings in the store have experienced a change . Last but not least, there is a little tidbit for those who use JTL-POS. Meant is the new voucher management for JTL-POS / JTL-Wawi and JTL-Shop. However, this will only be available as a plugin in the near future. We’ll be sure to keep you updated, which is why it’s worth subscribing to the eBakery YouTube channel so you don’t miss out.
However, if you want to save yourself the work, time and effort, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you as a JTL service partner.

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