Instagram checklist

Note these 4 points before you post

Our Instagram checklist is designed to make sure you don’t forget any important points when posting. What it is for example. The 3-second rule and why you should include a CTA in your post, that’s what you’ll learn in this Instagram tutorial.

Instagram Checklist - The 3 Seconds Rule

Do your Instagram posts sometimes get more and sometimes less reach and you don’t know what the reason is? Exactly for this we have a checklist for you, which will support you with a constant result.
1.the three-second rule:
Does your post convince in three seconds? If it doesn’t, then users just keep scrolling. There is a huge amount of content on Instagram and users therefore only have a very short attention span. Therefore, check beforehand if users can understand within three seconds what the post is about.

Visual understanding

With regard to the caption, this means that you should not use any technical terms or foreign words and only write short, clear sentences.
2. visual understanding:
Is it quite clear just from a quick look at the post what this is all about? In theory, there should be no need for a caption to the post in order to visually understand the content or topic.

Instagram Checklist - Why your posts should include a CTA

3) Does your post offer added value: Do you want to entertain users and make them laugh, or do you want to educate them about a specific event? The simpler and more concrete the added value, the better.
4. the call to action:
Did you ask users to take an action? You have several options to do this.
You can ask users to write their opinion on a certain topic in the comments. You can also use the last image at the end of a carousel to invite users to follow you for more content of this type.
If your goal is to get users to go to your website or YouTube channel, point out the link in your bio at the end of the post.
Another way is to ask what users want to see or know from you next. They can leave their suggestion as a comment.
If you are aiming for long-term success, we at eBakery will be happy to help you as a social media agency with your social media strategy. Please make an appointment directly.

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