JTL-Wawi 1.6 Minimum stocks and maximum stocks

Per item and warehouse

With JTL-Wawi 1.6 you have the possibility to maintain minimum and maximum stock levels per warehouse. This will ensure that you always have a minimum stock in your warehouses and will also prevent you from exceeding your storage capacity.

JTL-Wawi 1.6 Minimum stocks and maximum stocks - Now also per warehouse

In today’s video, we will go through another new feature that should make retailers with several warehouse locations organized via one Wawi particularly happy. For those who missed the previous videos on JTL-Wawi 1.6, here is the link to the playlist. The JTL 1.6 can now also maintain minimum and maximum stock levels per item and warehouse. This will ultimately allow you to use the order proposals for different locations. Let’s take a look at how the whole thing works in the 1.6 Wawi.

So you can specify locally-individually the stocks

Here we are now in the article area and go once into the article settings. What will be new for many now is this minimum stock and maximum stock column. What was possible with the 1.5 versions was the determination of a minimum stock. So that you are warned when the stock falls below a certain level. What could not be regulated, however, was the local component, i.e. whether the stock was located in Cologne or Buxtehude. This is now different with the 1.6. You can see the different warehouses here and can now enter minimum stock levels for each individual warehouse, i.e. how many pieces at least should be available on site, and maximum stock levels. Let’s do this for our warehouse in Buxtehude and enter a minimum stock of 8 pieces here, as well as a minimum stock of 3 pieces in Cologne.

JTL-Wawi 1.6 Minimum stocks and maximum stocks - procurement suggestions per warehouse

Now we move to the “Procurement” area and can obtain procurement proposals once for the warehouse in Buxtehude and once for the warehouse in Cologne. As we can see the order quantity changes depending on the warehouse. You can therefore configure each bearing individually. You should then only make sure that the check mark is set for maximum stocks. Indeed, sometimes the demand may be greater than the storage capacity. That would be inconvenient. That is why these maximum stocks exist. And the check mark for “Quantities replenished to minimum stock” should be set. For all further questions about JTL-Wawi or the other JTL software products, our experts are available to you as JTL service partners. Please feel free to make an appointment directly.

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