JTL-Wawi 1.6 Subscriptions

Add multiple positions per subscription

The JTL-Wawi 1.6 subscriptions have been renewed, with which it is now also possible to add multiple items per subscription. How to create a new subscription in the 1.6 version, we show and explain in this video.

JTL-Wawi 1.6 Subscriptions - What's new?

It continues with the JTL-Wawi 1.6 innovations. In this episode we cover subscriptions.We don’t have a specific case for this, just the goal of implementing different intervals in a single subscription for different products. This is quite simple in the 1.6 version, how exactly we look at now. First of all, just a note that we have linked our JTL-Wawi 1.6 playlist. If you missed the previous episodes, feel free to check them out.

JTL-Wawi 1.6 Subscriptions - How to create subscriptions

Now we are in the Wawi, to be precise in the “Sales” area. This is exactly where the subscriptions, i.e. recurring orders, are located. Since there are none in here yet, we create a new subscription by clicking on the “Instant Subscription” button. For those of you who have already seen our order videos for the 1.6, this layout will look familiar, as it basically contains all the points that can also be found in an instant order. The reason for this is that a new order is generated directly from the subscription and should therefore already contain all the necessary information. We can create a new subscription once by picking out our regular customer Harry Hirsch and picking out any item for it. We now need to go from the positions to the subscription area and specify all the important info. First of all, the quantity must be entered in the Positions area, as well as the interval and the start and end date in the Subscription area. We change the quantity once to 4, we want to determine a free interval, which we define as 21 days, so every 3 weeks, and the whole thing should start from tomorrow and go until the end of the year. Now the special thing is that in the 1.6 we can add another interval for another product to one and the same subscription. That’s what we do. Since a monthly interval is common, it is also possible to order here instead of the free interval at the beginning, middle, and end of the month. We decide on the end of the month and if no end of subscription is desired, the checkbox does not need to be set.

eBakery - The JTL service partner

Since we set the second subscription position to today’s date, this one also shows up in the due ones. If we select this one, we will see the checkmark at “Due”, which is why we convert this subscription into an order. And as we will see, only this one item was packed into the order. What has also changed is the next due date in the subscriptions, which is 10/31/21. These were the changes in the subscription function. So you can now easily create multiple positions for one and the same subscription in JTL-Wawi 1.6. For all further questions about JTL-Wawi or the other JTL software products, our experts are available to you as JTL service partners. Please feel free to make an appointment directly.

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