Marketing for the JTL store 5

Create blogs and display them in the news area of the JTL store 5

How to activate and configure the JTL Shop 5 blog, as well as create blog categories and your own blog articles for the JTL store, you will learn in this JTL software tutorial. In addition, we explain what is important when writing the blogs to work search engine optimized and thus marketing for the JTL store 5 bertreibst.

Marketing for the JTL store 5 - Create blogs

Another blog in our JTL-Shop 5 archive, another method for you to bring your customers up to date, but at the same time to get visibility in the popular search engines – we are talking about the JTL-Shop 5 blog. Besides category and article pages, you can also set up a news section. In it you can e.g. point out current competitions or announce and promote the latest product collection. But how do you unlock this blog?

There you will find the blog settings

You can find any blog setting first in the Marketing section under Actions and Blog Posts. We will now look at the Settings tab for this. The most important setting you need to make here, if it is not already enabled, is to set the first “Use Blog” field to Yes. This will display the blog in the frontend of your store in the first place. In the following it can be decided whether the possibility to comment should be granted. This decision is up to you, but in turn can have a positive impact on Google rankings, as visible interaction on your site is always promotional. The next three options determine whether and in what number the blogs should be played out in the individual areas. This includes the blog overview, the home page and how many months should be played out in the box. By the way, the value “0” indicates all months. Whether and how many comments should be displayed is up to you.

Marketing for JTL Shop 5 - Blog Posts and Blog Categories

You have the possibility to organize and structure your blogs in categories, just as you do with the individual articles. Whether this blog category should be displayed under the blog can be determined with it.
The last field can be used to specify the URL prefix to be used for the month view.
Once we have made our desired settings, the next important thing is to create a category, because without it we will not be able to publish posts. We have already created one here. If you want to create a new one, click the blue button at the bottom right. The upper category is virtually the next higher category in the ranking. That means you could create sub-category, sub-sub-categories etc and structure your blogs that way. Should e.g. now there are several subcategories in the“Blogs” supercategory, the category sorting can be used to define the position for this category we are creating. If you want it to be visible in the frontend, set it to active, otherwise you can still add a thumbnail and optimize the category for search engines using meta data. What to pay attention to both in terms of image SEO, as well as meta-data SEO, you will learn in the videos that we have linked to you above right. We go back and create a new post by pressing the button provided for this purpose.

Configuration of your news area

First, visibility adjustments can be made. So who may see this blog. For this purpose, the respective customer group that is to be granted this privilege can be specified here. I had just mentioned the category structure. In which category branch this contribution should be classified, can be set herewith. You could for example. You can also backdate the blog by setting the creation date to another day. If there are more than one author in your team, the respective author can then be listed here as the author. Images can also be uploaded for the blog itself.
On the one hand, as with the categories, the display image, but also images that are then used in the blog itself.
As always, make sure the file size is small, file naming is hyphenated and included with your focus keyword.
Finally, just select the language. Then you have a full-featured HTML editor available for the blog post itself.

Marketing for the JTL Shop 5 - JTL SEO Basics

That means you can apply bold and italic fonts, include internal and external links, set H1,H2, H3, H4 headings and much more – without HTML knowledge. This serves not only the visual impression, but also your search engine optimization. We have already written a JTL-SEO article about this, which you are welcome to read. That is used subheadings. Only one H1 may occur. If the headline contains your focus keyword it is an H2, if it does not it is an H3 or H4. No paragraph should be longer than 300 words. Repeat your focus keyword within the text to an appropriate degree. So 6 times in 100 words would definitely be too much. Bold your focus keyword at least once at the beginning. Sets the right number of internal, but also external links bspw. to category or product pages internally, or to your YouTube channel externally. If you don’t have any product videos yet, you are welcome to visit our website and get in touch with us. Should you have followed these points and written a blog article with over 500 words, nothing should stand in the way of your top rankings on Google.
Of course, the basis for this should always be a keyword research at the beginning to determine what your customers are looking for in the first place, so as not to miss the target group.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you as a JTL service partner

We save now at the end times and go to the start page of our store. If we now scroll down, we see that a news section has been newly created. We see that everything has been taken over that we have also entered.
I hope you were able to take away one or two things about SEO from this episode and apply them in the future. Otherwise, you can get the links to the right videos in our JTL software screencast and get more information on the individual sub-topics. If there are still questions, please contact us. You can find all information about JTL on our JTL service partner page. There you can also make an appointment with our JTL and SEO experts.

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