All theory is gray, color only comes into play with practice. What variations and variation combinations are you can read excellent in the wiki of JTL software. I approach the subject here according to the principle of try and error. Very practical – what effect do my settings have in JTL-Wawi under variations in the store.

As a basis I take here a sample article Nordwind Traders Personal Computer. For this I created a category Computer in my sample store and created the article with the most important basic details.

Article saved and then performed a web shop comparison. Then I look at the result in the sample store.

Okay a simple item with picture, price, stock and description. Now the buyer should still be able to freely choose the working memory. Of course, with a hefty surcharge. As options, the buyer should be provided with 4GB, 6GB and 8GB. The product / item remains the same, it differs only in the size of the working memory. This gives me the classic case of a variation. As a note here: “In practice, I would not solve this so, but use the article configurator. The reason is buried here in the purchase, because I would not like to explain here however further.”

In order for the customer to select the variations, I must first create them in the Wawi. To do this, I switch back to the Wawi, double-click on the product in edit mode and select the Variations tab. To create a new variation, I click on the “Add…”button on the right under Variations. In the Variation window I assign a name, e.g. “Working memory“, select “SELECTBOX” as variation type, leave the check mark at “Selectable on the Internet?” and click OK.

Now I can add values to the new variation “Working memory”. I do this by clicking on the “Add…”button under Values. Here I put the 3 values for 2GB RAM, 6GB and 8GB. I have still stored a separate image here for each variation, which will be displayed later instead of the original product image.

After that, the Variations tab will look like the screenshot below.

Now, a web store comparison has to be carried out and after that, customers can order the PC with three different working memory variations.

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