JTL Kaufland connect via JTL-eazyAuction

Connecting Kaufland as a marketplace

“JTL Kaufland connect via JTL-eazyAuction” is the task of this video. We will show you what the native Kaufland interface for JTL-Wawi is all about, what it offers you and how you can connect Kaufland as a marketplace.

JTL Kaufland connect - What is eazyAuction?

But now back to the topic. What was JTL-eazyAuction again.
Until now eazyAuction stood for the marketplace interface between eBay and Amazon and JTL-Wawi. This has now been extended to include Kaufland. However, it should be noted that it is still in open beta, which means at least one advantage for you. Its use is currently still completely free of charge. This will change after the end of the open beta phase. Now that we know what the innovation is, first the requirements to be able to connect it at all. Because mandatory is the connection between customer photo and JTL-Wawi.

Connect JTL customer account and JTL-Wawi

You can do this by going to the start menu in JTL-Wawi and selecting the menu item “Customer Center Login”.
Then enter your e-mail address and password for the JTL Customer Center as usual and log in.
With this you can check off step 1. To benefit from the currently still free Kaufland interface, go to the menu item “Platforms” and “Sales channels” in JTL-Wawi. Adds a new one using the provided button selects “SCX Buy Country” as the sales channel. Now you should have your Kaufland access data ready, i.e. client key and secret key. Afterwards, the successful link will be confirmed once again.

Why should you sell on Kaufland?

So much for the linkage. But for all those who are still thinking about selling on other marketplaces, a few facts why exactly Kaufland. This is one of the fastest growing marketplaces in Germany. Contributing factors include the 32 million monthly online visitors, but also the offline presence through 1,300 stores in 8 countries. Furthermore, with the eazyAuction interface you can also use Amazon and eBay without much effort and use the same, maintained item data from JTL-Wawi for all three marketplaces.

Sell on even more marketplaces

What you can’t use to sell on eBay and Amazon, but you can use to sell on many other marketplaces, is the multichannel solution from marcos software. With Unicorn 2 you can easily transfer your product data from JTL-Wawi to marketplaces like Otto Market, Kaufland, Metro, Rewe and many more. This will allow you to target a completely new clientele, benefit from visibility, and all without much effort. Unicorn 2 can be tested free of charge for 14 days and can either be accessed at www.unicorn2.de or downloaded directly from our loading page.your solution for multichannel with JTL.

JTL Kaufland connect with eBakery

As soon as the native JTL-Kaufland interface has finished the open beta phase we will let you know first. A subscription to the eBakery YouTube channel is well worth it. Otherwise, as a JTL agency, we will help you with the connection, but we will also be happy to advise you on which options make the most sense for your case.
Make an appointment directly.

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