"Dank dem beherzten Eingreifen von eBakery und deren routiniertem Umgang mit der JTL Wawi konnte man uns schnell und unbürokratisch weiterhelfen. Mein besonderer Dank geht an den Mitarbeiter Benjamin Lambrecht, der seinen Samstag Abend für unseren Shop aufgebracht hat und das dringende Problem zügig löste."
"Wir sind begeistert von der Lösungsorientierten und pragmatischen Gangart, der extrem hohen Leistungsbereitschaft und Verfügbarkeit sowie dem persönlichen wie professionellem Vorgehen des gesamten eBakery Teams!"
"Wir fühlten uns von Anfang an gut durch eBakery beraten. Durch den Einsatz der JTL Produktpalette verfügen wir nun über ein hervorragendes Onlineshopsystem, welches modular erweiterbar ist und verschiedene Marktplatzanbindungen ermöglicht. Zudem gibt uns unsere Multichannel Strategie zusätzliche Umsatzsicherheit in der aktuellen Krise."
"Wir haben uns für eBakery als JTL Servicepartner entschieden, da man hier über viele Jahre Erfahrung in genau diesem Spezialgebiet verfügt. Unser Shop und die Auftragsabwicklung laufen sehr stabil. Mein besonderer Dank geht an Mohamed Ali Oukassi, der sich persönlich um die JTL-Wawi Einrichtung gekümmert hat."
"Wir hatten es eilig mit der Überarbeiteten Version unseres Food-Shops an den Start zu gehen und den deutschen Markt zu erreichen. Wir sind froh, dass wir mit eBakery einen Partner gefunden haben, der uns eine derartig schnelle und zugleich professionelle Lösung unserer Herausforderung ermöglicht hat."
"Wir hatten es eilig mit der Überarbeiteten Version unseres Food-Shops an den Start zu gehen und den deutschen Markt zu erreichen. Wir sind froh, dass wir mit eBakery einen Partner gefunden haben, der uns eine derartig schnelle und zugleich professionelle Lösung unserer Herausforderung ermöglicht hat."
"Die Zusammenarbeit mit eBakery war unkompliziert und hat letztlich schnell zum Ziel geführt. Ich wusste prinzipiell was ich haben möchte, nur wie ich den Webshop am besten umsetzen kann, war mir nicht klar. eBakery hat mir dann verschiedene Optionen aufgezeigt und schließlich hat mich der JTL-Shop als Ergebnis überzeugt."
"Das Team von eBakery hat uns von Anfang an auf professionelle Art und Weise unterstützt. Mit unserem breit aufgestellten JTL Onlineshop, verfügen wir nun über eine optimale Ergänzung zu unserem Filialnetz und sehen uns für die Zukunft gerüstet. Insbesondere in der aktuellen Corona-Krise, können wir von der Lösung bereits erheblich profitieren."
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This is how ranking optimization works
If you sell or want to sell your products on Amazon, there are certainly many competitors on Amazon. This is because Amazon, as a marketplace, offers a great opportunity to increase its own sales. However, always remember that Amazon only wants to show its users products that are relevant (search query/category) and are highly likely to be purchased. In this post about Amazon SEO, our Amazon consultants explain to you how to optimize your products on Amazon.
What is my target group looking for? If you can answer these questions, then you should use exactly these search terms (keywords) and search phrases on your article page. Because if you manage to create high relevance with it, your users and Amazon will thank you. An important factor in Amazon SEO is the relevance to the search term – a keyword research is very important at Amazon and a term, which still worked in December, does not necessarily work in January. A ranking loss, can be affected by a seasonal keyword change and you should always keep an eye on time-sensitive product images. The performance of your own Amazon sales can be significantly influenced by a professional article page, regardless of the product price.
Amazon does not voluntarily give us keywords, but there are some sources you can use for keyword research and thus high relevance. As a first direct source Amazon offers the Amazon Suggest function (suggestion search) and the report for Sponsored Products Campaigns (Amazon PPC), here you have an insight into the impressions of the search terms and can optimize your article pages with the help of Amazon PPC. A second source for search terms is of course Google, because we don’t have to reinvent the wheel, and even if the search intention on Amazon and Google is not necessarily the same, Google offers with its products like Google Ads Keyword Planner, Google Ads search terms report, Google Trends and Google Suggest (suggestion search) a good way of keyword research.
Use as relevant keywords / words as possible in your article page. And use all the options in the Amazon Seller Center.
In Amazon Seller Central you manage your products (items). Your own products can be listed easily and quickly and below I would like to show you the most important settings that you should consider in your Amazon optimization:
The product title(product name in the Seller Center) may contain up to 50 characters in Amazon. You should design the product title so that your most important keyword is at the beginning, and relevant information follows, because Amazon shortens the product title in the SERPs. If you use the unique selling pro position or a call to action, you should also not let Amazon shorten it. However, regularly review the relevance of their product titles and conduct a competitive analysis.
Manage inventory ” Product ” Important information ” Product name
Tip: If you notice a declining or low click-through rate (CTR) in your Amazon PPC campaign, don’t be afraid to A-B test here.
In Amazon Seller Center, you have up to 5 attributes to add under Manage Inventory ” Product ” Advanced View ” Description. These appear on the article page as a list, so-called bullet points.
Bullet points are one of the important elements that a potential buyer sees. Here you should use relevant keywords and not write novels. Less is sometimes more here – but don’t be afraid to run A-B tests either. Especially during holidays, bullet points are a great way to get more attention. For example, at Christmas, many use symbols like 🎄 or ❤️ in the bullet points.
However, depending on the complexity of your product, you should use 5 product features (attributes or bullet points) to accommodate the most important information. Although many product categories can use up to 250 characters per bullet point, I recommend you use a maximum of 80 characters per bullet point (avoid filler words) for readability and relevance.
This is a good bullet points strategy:
The product description serves to advise customers to the maximum in their purchase decision process and at the same time to persuade them to make a purchase. Within the product description you have limited space (2000 bytes), so you should use the product description to show – why exactly your product is better than the others – the customer benefit, stands here before the pure product feature.
The A+ content allows you to show your products in a more individual way. You will get several templates with the help of which you can make your product page more vivid. Due to the higher number of available characters, more attention can also be paid in Amazon to SEO, because the usual about 2000 characters are quickly reached.
For a comprehensive set of all Amazon image guidelines for your product category, see the corresponding category style guide. Please read them carefully, as the images you upload to Amazon must meet these requirements. Please note that in case of overlap or conflict, the guidelines of the respective category take precedence.
You can upload up to 9 product images, but you must use at least one main image. Many images of your products make your offer more attractive and increase the click-through rate (CTR) and increase sales! With appealing images in high quality you increase the traffic on your article pages.Main images should always be supplemented by other images showing different sides of the product, e.g. the product in use or certain details that are not visible in the main image.We have very good experience with images in full HD format (1920×1080 pixels) and 1:1 format.
Amazon requirements for product images:
Note: Products without a main image will not appear in the search or browse until you correct this.
For a comprehensive set of all Amazon image guidelines for your product category, see the corresponding category style guide. Please read them carefully, as the images you upload to Amazon must meet these requirements. Please note that in case of overlap or conflict, the guidelines of the respective category take precedence.
As mentioned earlier, Amazon SEO is all about relevance and performance. You can influence the performance very strongly via the sales price, among other things you can set a promotion price and promotion period for each product in the Amazon Seller Center.
These are the 12 most important Amazon ranking factors:
As an Amazon SEO agency, we specialize in optimizing products on Amazon.
When you think of search engine optimization, you certainly think directly of Google. But SEO is also important on eBay, YouTube and Amazon, because if you want to sell successfully on Amazon, you have to get to grips with how a search and ranking algorithm works and how to optimize it.
As an Amazon SEO agency, we offer a free, no obligation initial consultation. The costs here should of course be in proportion to your own sales, and so we advise you individually and do not pass on any package offers to our customers. Often it is minor adjustments, but also extensive Amazon SEO training incl. Amazon PPC Workshops. Our goal is your success!
The Amazon sales rank, also often referred to as Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR) or bestseller rank. The Amazon sales rank shows how well a product sells relative to other products in the same category over a period of time.
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