Connect JTL Wawi with, the marketplace of the younger generation? In any case, this marketplace differs from the classic marketplaces. How and JTL-Wawi work and what they can offer you, you will learn in this video.

A wide range of marketplaces

You are an online retailer and are thinking about which marketplace is most suitable for your product range? Nowadays, everyone knows about big marketplaces like eBay or Amazon, but did you know that there are a variety of other niche marketplaces? Marketplaces that specialize in certain items or that target a specific audience. Therefore, it is always beneficial to take a closer look at several options. This is because, in most cases, slightly smaller marketplaces have their very own advantages, such as less competition for listings or lower commission rates. It is also now possible to sell internationally with just a few steps and the right strategy. Would you like to target a slightly younger audience and are looking for a similar concept to eBay? Then could be just the thing for you.


Wish is an e-commerce company based in San Francisco. It operates its own website and shopping app at the same time. Thus Wish is broadly positioned and directly offers you the advantage of a large range. Wish works similarly to eBay, which means that companies and manufacturers sell goods directly to customers. Thus, Wish acts as a direct intermediary, because the site does not sell its own goods. For every sale, Wish gets a commission at the end. Most often, cheap goods are sold with additional discounts. This aspect, together with its function as a popular app, ensures that the largest share of consumers is primarily a younger target audience. With over 500 million downloads, Wish’s shopping app is #1 worldwide.

Why Wish?

Especially when it comes to marketing, Wish invests a lot of time and money. Advertising is mainly done in social media, e.g. on Facebook or Instagram. Since the target group is primarily a younger audience, this is exactly who is reached. If you become a merchant on Wish and can offer your product assortment, you will definitely generate a lot of sales. Due to its strong international position and its positioning as a website, app and company. So you will not only address the German audience, but a large number of potential and international customers.

Unicorn 2 interface

The advantages have convinced you, but you don’t know how to handle the marketplace technically? If you use JTL, you may have heard of marcos software: Unicorn 2. Unicorn 2 is a multichannel middleware that allows you to connect JTL’s free inventory management to multiple marketplaces. The range of products on offer continues to grow, and Wish has recently become one of them. This interface allows you to easily connect JTL-Wawi to Wish. For you, this means that you can centrally control all workflows, e.g. sales, inventory, returns, invoice processing and many more from JTL-Wawi. This straightforward and powerful processing will help you save a lot of time, especially in the long run. Time you can use profitably and wisely. Thus, it can be seen as the basis of your future success.

You want to sell on Wish?

As an e-commerce agency and JTL partner, we are happy to support you. Our experts can take care of technical procedures, possible problems but also the right marketing strategy. Simply inquire without obligation.

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