How important are SQL database backups for JTL?

To be on the safe side, you should always have a backup ready. So also for your SQL database for JTL-Wawi. In this video by Andreas Bezuh, you can find out what role a NAS and a RAID play in this and how the whole thing works. Learn more about JTL-Wawi and the automated database backup here.

Create JTL-Wawi database backup

With the new merchandise management, the management of the connection to the database has been outsourced to a new screen, the database management. The direct call for performing database backups in the JTL-wawi menu is therefore no longer available. To perform a backup of a client, call here in the menu item JTL-wawi the entry database administration[WEITERLESEN]

Backup via an external hard disk

What hardware do you need to create a database backup of JTL-Wawi? First and foremost, it is important that you do not store your backups on the same system that the database is running on. You can do this, for example, with external hard disks that run via NAS (Network Attached Storage). Such a backup is important so that if the server is completely broken after a disaster, your data will still be protected.

Backup via cloud

Another way to get an extra layer of security for your data is through the cloud. However, you must always consider the size of your database. If this is particularly large, the backups will also be correspondingly large. You also need to make sure that the data is well encrypted. Of course, a public cloud always carries some risks, because you no longer have sole control over your data. Your data is mostly forwarded to third-party providers. If the third-party provider is located outside of Europe, your data may no longer be subject to the same basic data protection regulations as within Europe. Therefore, the encryption should be secure.

Regular backups in the backup server

At ecomDATA, customers have their own backup servers located in different places. Differential backups are updated hourly on these backup servers. In addition, full backups and backups of the entire server are created every 24 hours. And this is important, too, because this way you are fully protected even if a malicious software installs itself. You have to imagine this process like this: First, a full backup is created. After that, the changes that have occurred since the full backup are logged at regular intervals. This gives the possibility to return to any past hour should a problem ever occur.

Snapshot backup

In the past, tape backups were often used. The advantage here was mainly the large storage space. Today, this type of backup is rarely if ever used. There are now far too good alternatives for that. Thanks to today’s alternatives, it would even be possible to continue working on the backup server in real time, should your local server fail. Although technically feasible, in such a case it is even better to have a snapshot backup. Snapshots are snapshots of the server that can be restored. It does not matter what the server change is, the snapshot is safely stored.

Have an expert at your side

If you are an online retailer, you should think about creating snapshot backups in the future. You’ve certainly invested a lot of time and money in pursuing a suitable multichannel strategy. You might also sell on multiple marketplaces, because you shouldn’t be dependent on a single marketplace these days. However, you should not neglect to invest a lot of time in your server as well. So that it is safe and no uncontrolled data loss occurs. If you are not an expert in the field, it is worth getting help from a specialist. At ecomDATA, Managed Cloud Servers from LEVEL1 have hourly database backups as well as snapshots backups of the entire server preconfigured. From LEVEL2 you get proactive monitoring. This means automatically identifying and reporting problems so they can be fixed quickly. Only an expert can provide such certainty.

You want your data to be safe?

You want your data to be safe, but you don’t know which system to use? An expert like ecomDATA will be happy to help you. If you have any further questions about the technical processes involved in online trading, please do not hesitate to contact us. Simply inquire without obligation.

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