MS SQL database password change

Security should always be a top priority when dealing with MS SQL databases! For this reason, Andreas Bezuh from ecomDATA explains the most important points you should pay attention to. You can change the MS SQL database password in a few seconds.

ecomDATA and JTL

ecomDATA is a specialist when it comes to modern hosting methods and explains to you today everything you need to know about the MS SQL password in combination with JTL. The JTL software is an innovative eCommerce solution for online trading and includes, among other things, the ERP system JTL-Wawi. In addition, JTL-POS as a POS system, JTL-WMS as warehousing and much more. When it comes to the MS SQL database and especially the password, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Always change the default password

If you install JTL on your own, you should always change the default password. Otherwise, it’s pretty easy for outsiders to access it. An important point that is forgotten by many retailers. Security is one of the most important aspects of almost all software and programs. If you do not pay attention to the security of your data, you are easily vulnerable to others. Especially in eCommerce, data is extremely important for you as a merchant. Passwords, possibly confidential customer data – should someone gain access to them who is not authorized to do so, this can cause lasting damage to your company.

How do you change the password?

In addition, you can easily change the password. All you need to do is download and install MSSQL Management Studio, and then run it. The download is free of charge from Microsoft. Once started, you connect to the database. Then go to Security, then Logins and find the default user. Here you make a double click and can already define the password. A process with a duration of less than a minute – which can preserve a lot of damage. Confirm with OK and the connection to the database is encrypted.

An SSL certificate is used for authentication

If you work within your private network and your server is only one office away, for example, it is not quite as dramatic if the connection is not encrypted. Nevertheless, it is always better to hedge your bets. Then, if you’re also working outside your network, securely encrypting the connection is a necessary and important step. That is, when the server is on the Internet and a connection to the database can be established via the PC. ecomDATA, for example, always provides guaranteed encryption via an SSL certificate. You can assign this to the SQL Server. The SQL certificate is used for authentication and encryption.

Differences between a local and external server

Thus, there is already a high degree of security. The SSL certificate authenticates, changing the default password encrypts. There are various theories on the Internet about how exactly a secure password should be constructed. Find the option that works best for you. Are you using a local server? Then other security precautions apply, such as with a server in the cloud. On a local server, nothing will probably happen if you leave ports open. After all, you have full control over the users in your own network. If the server is located outside, it is always important to secure it in such a way that any existing gaps in the system cannot be exploited.

Perform regular updates and backups

For servers that are accessible from the Internet, you can use an external firewall and open only required ports. The firewall serves as an additional barrier. When it comes to ports, for example, ecomDATA only enables those that are actually used. Like the port for PC connections. This way you keep only a few applications running at a time. And these should also always be updated so that there are no gaps in the software. Classic security gaps usually lie in the encryption of the connection. Besides, to ensure absolute security, you should never forget to perform regular backups.

You want absolute security and good encryption?

For this, you can always turn to an expert like ecomDATA. If you are interested in other topics related to eCommerce, please feel free to contact us. Our experts will advise and assist you with any of your concerns.

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