Integrate category description and optimize SEO

Entering the category description in JTL-Wawi and optimizing it under SEO aspects is the goal of this screencast. Learn how and where to insert the JTL-Wawi category description, how to establish headings, integrate internal links and prepare the whole thing for Google. You can also view the written explanation below the video.

Good category descriptions can improve conversion

A better conversion can be achieved with the category description if it is optimized according to the following points.
Category descriptions, for example, allow customers to be intercepted earlier in the early conversion path and maneuvered into your store with informative keywords. For example, in the case of an online store for household goods, you have organized the store under Cooking & Enjoying.

Proper placement in your online store

Here it is recommended to write a relevant and interesting text for your customers and to answer the search query as best as possible. You can use e.g. the Google Autosuggest function can help. The placement of the text also has a direct impact on sales performance.

A placement at the top of the category page is certainly exciting for Google, but a clear problem for conversion and usability in the JTL store. Therefore, it is recommended to integrate the texts at the end of the page under the products and thus increase the relevance of the page for the specific keyword.

Find keywords for category descriptions, through Google Autosuggest.

Search engine optimization of your category description

In the online store used in the screencast, we have the category text below the item overview. Again, we can identify important SEO elements that are relevant for the search engine optimization of your category description. On the one hand, we have the familiar subheadings. In this case, these are H2 headings and make the whole thing look clearer. Capital letters can also be used to accent important words, as long as this method is not used in an inflationary manner.

Internal links strengthen your page

We also see that the focus keyword “cooking” was used frequently, but not too frequently. Internal linking should also be set. A reference at the end to the contact form is also always good to let the customer contact you, should the text have been convincing or still have unanswered questions.

How does the whole thing look now in JTL-Wawi?

Right click on your selected category and go to Edit. Under descriptions you will get to the category description. What seems very cryptic is actually more straightforward than it looks. But without code it doesn’t work after all. In the image below you can see for example the start and end marker for an H2 headline or the integration of an internal link as code.

Metadata optimization also important for category descriptions

I won’t go into meta data again here, but I’ll link you to the article on meta data optimization in JTL-Wawi. Because these basics are also to be applied to the category description. If you have considered all these factors, i.e. have integrated H2 headings with your keyword, have used bold words or capitals, have set internal links, have placed your focus keyword often enough in your text and have filled out the metadata purposefully, then it is now only to integrate the text below your offers in the online store. That should drive your SEO and, in the end, conversion.

JTL SEO with eBakery

If you are interested in further JTL SEO measures or have general questions about the JTL software, feel free to contact us and get a free initial consultation via phone, email or contact form at

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