7 tips for more visitors in your store

Your online store can use more visitors? Sure, any store can do that! There are many options available to you here, some more useful than others. We have compiled a selection of ways and means for you here.

Multichannel distribution

The simplest option is multichannel distribution. In doing so, you don’t just focus on one sales channel, but create additional footholds. The standards here are eBay and Amazon. A relatively simple connection is possible in most online store and merchandise management systems. This will make your products and brand appear to a wider audience and you will become better known.

Via plugins, the data is sent correctly to the online marketplaces and the inventories are kept in sync. Conveniently, if one channel fails, you are blocked on Amazon or eBay, or marginal conditions change that require you to revise your articles, sales can continue on the other channels.

Special rules apply to sales on online marketplaces. The images must meet certain requirements, certain keywords should appear and much more. If you decide to take this step, we will be happy to support you in optimizing your offers for the online marketplaces.


They still work – small gifts that bring joy to your customers. A small bag of gummy bears, an energy drink or ballpoint pens with your logo on them – put some of these in the packages so that your customer can also pass them on to acquaintances and relatives. But pay attention to your target group, otherwise the shot can backfire. If you’re selling baby accessories, lighters probably wouldn’t be as helpful.

OnPage optimization

This is a part of search engine optimization and describes the optimization of one’s own store to the needs of Google & Co. This includes, among other things, a fast page structure, clearly structured and not overloaded pages, own article descriptions and much more. Our SEO experts will be happy to check your store for optimization opportunities and point them out to you.

Social media

In fact, Facebook, Instagram & Co. are still often neglected. Older, entrenched companies in particular are giving away potential here. You can reach a lot of people here with relatively little effort – provided that your target group is also located there. Facebook tends to be much in demand from the middle-aged onwards, while Instagram tends to appeal to a younger audience. Therefore, check your target group and make sure you have good community management.

If you work well with your community, prices fade into the background and people are more willing to buy from you.

Blogs or videos

Write your own blog to show Google that you are always bringing fresh content that pertains to your topic. Explain different items, write personal reviews (works well on Amazon too) or create video showcases for unusual items. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, so you should take advantage of this opportunity.

We, or our colleagues from Product Placement, will be happy to support you in shooting perfect videos for your website.

Create trust

Especially with new online stores that are not yet so well known, visitors often have inhibitions about making purchases. Get certificates, seals of approval that are known for online stores or specifically in your industry. Include them in important places, at least on the home page and on the last page of the order process. This reminds customers once again that you can be trusted.


A not-so-common method for smaller stores is sponsorship. But if you want to grow, this can be another way to promote your online store. Of course, here again you should pay attention to your target audience.

Make your online store even more popular

These are just a few of the ways to make your online store more popular. You want to learn more? Why not arrange an individual consultation right now and we will analyze your store for further possibilities.


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