How often do I have to update Shopware?

We have the answer!

How often do you need to update Shopware and how quickly should you do it?
In this episode, we explain why a store system needs an update in the first place, what you need to consider before updating and how you can save time in the future.

Why does a store system need updates at all?

A store system is a dynamic system and that’s a good thing.
One reason is security vulnerabilities.
It’s an eternal cat-and-mouse game between criminals and victims.
Cyber criminals try to find loopholes to get into the system, software operators then try to close them again.
This would not be possible if a store system were a static system.
This means that you can make your store more secure with the help of updates.
An update can also be helpful in terms of stability.
No software is free from errors or bugs.
If these are detected, they can also be eliminated with updates.
However, every update also involves risks, as it represents a change and every change can also cause new problems.
In order to be able to assess how risky an update can be, a distinction must first be made between two different types.
Major updates and minor updates.

How often do I need to update Shopware? - Minor or major update

A minor update is a smaller update that is usually used to fix bugs, close security gaps and make minor changes or improvements.
It is less comprehensive than a major update and usually has no effect on the functioning of the system or the application.
Accordingly, a major update is usually a larger, more extensive update that adds new features and can sometimes also change the entire appearance.
These major updates tend to be released at longer intervals and can be identified by the version number.

How often do I need to update Shopware? - The Shopware versions

Let’s take a look at the current Shopware version number.
This is
The first 6 is Shopware 6 as the identifier.
Accordingly, Shopware 5 would have 5 as the first number.
The next 6 stands for the sixth major version of Shopware 6. All numbers after that are minor update numbers.
Let’s take a look at the intervals between major updates.
Version 6.1.0 was released on 15.01.2020.
On 19.06 the 6.2.0, the came out on 03.08, the then again almost 1 year later on 04.05.2021.
So now you can see how you can tell whether it is a major or minor update.
All information about the updates can be found in the Shopware 6 changelog section, where you can find an explanation of the changes for each version.

How to check plugins for compatibility

But what does that mean for you?
Ultimately, this means that major updates will require major adjustments.
Your plugins may no longer be compatible, even your theme may not work with the latest version.
It is therefore important to follow the security precautions at the end of the video before every major update.
One place to go for plugins is the Shopware Store.
For example, if you want to
If you want to find out whether your SpeedBooster plugin is compatible, enter it in the store, go to the details page and you will be shown which versions this plugin is compatible with.
If the version you want to update to is not available, you have two options.
Either wait or select the version in the search mask and look for an alternative plugin.

How often do I need to update Shopware? - Is every update necessary?

But now the question arises – do I have to carry out every update immediately?
It is advisable to always keep the store system up to date, but not every update is necessary immediately.
Because every update takes time.
The only problem is that you as a retailer will not be able to assess whether it is relevant or not.
As just mentioned, the changelogs will tell you what the changes are.
That’s why it’s worth working with an agency in the long term, which can better assess the necessity and save you time.
However, if you want to take this completely into your own hands, we will now give you 4 tips that you should definitely follow.

How often do I need to update Shopware? - This is important to note!

Tip #1: Always make a backup of your store including the database.
the database.
You can see how this works in the linked article.

Tip #2: Test new updates on a test system first.
We have explained how to create a staging environment for Shopware 6 in this video here.

Tip #3: Use it to check your store for compatibility and then assess whether there are alternatives for non-functioning plugins or whether waiting would be the better alternative.

Tip #4: Find out before major updates, e.g. in the Shopware Community Forum.
Before major updates, check the Shopware Community Forum to see what experiences other retailers have had with the latest update.

Shopware agency eBakery

If you pay attention to all the points, you should be on the safe side and nothing will stand in the way of your next Shopware update.
If there are still problems or you would rather take the safe route to avoid technical problems, then find out about our Shopware supportoffer, which also includes regular updates.
As a Shopware agency, we are also happy to provide you with comprehensive support. Make an appointment directly here.

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