Shopware 5 end of support

Switch to Shopware 6 now!

The end of Shopware 5 support is now official and has been a reality since July 2024.
But what exactly does this mean for Shopware 5 merchants? What alternatives are there? How do you migrate from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6 and what are the dangers of simply doing nothing? The answers are in the video.

Shopware 5 support ends immediately!

Summer 2024 is now over, but for all Shopware 5 store operators this means that the end of support is now sealed.
But what if you still haven’t switched or taken the necessary steps?
We will inform you about the current situation and what options you still have.
But first of all, a brief introduction to us – we are eBakery, a holistic eCommerce and online marketing agency, as well as a Shopware partner.
So if you are looking for an expert at your side, please make an appointment with us on the page linked at the top right.

What is the current situation?

But what is the current situation in September 2024?
There have been no more security updates and bug fixes for Shopware 5 since July 2024. But what can this mean for you as an online retailer if you simply continue to use Shopware 5 as an active store system?
Firstly, the lack of security updates can lead to security vulnerabilities, making the store susceptible to cyberattacks.
A cyber attack can then specifically target customer data and payment information, which could not only mean a loss of data, but also damage to your reputation.
There is also the legal component, because as many cases have shown, especially in eCommerce, data protection is a top priority in Germany.
Furthermore, there may be increasing compatibility problems.
New technologies and providers are more likely to optimize their services for Shopware 6 than for Shopware 5, which means that the longer you wait, the more likely it is that new plugins will be released that you need but can no longer use.

Shopware 5 end of support - What about the JTL connector?

Another point is the connectivity to third-party systems, such as a merchandise management system.
We already pointed out in this video that the JTL Connector will cease to be active when support ends.
If you take a look at the JTL website, it becomes clear that only Shopware 6 is currently available as a merchandise management connection.
But why is this end of support happening at all?
It is perfectly normal for almost all software to have an expiry date.
In the case of Shopware, the official website states: “Shopware 5 uses technologies that can no longer fully respond to current requirements and the use of modern technologies no longer makes sense.
This technology refers to a monolithic system.
This means that the front and back ends are closely linked.

Shopware 6, on the other hand, pursues a “headless commerce” strategy in which the back end and front end operate separately from each other. This means that your bundled backend processes continue to run smoothly when changes are made to the frontend“.

Shopware 5 end of support - Migrate to Shopware 6

What sounds like flexibility, freedom and more performance, however, means for you as a Shopware 5 store operator that switching from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6 is not an update, but a migration.
If you want to know more about how to migrate from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6, take a look at the linked video.
So what would such a migration process entail?
Firstly, good planning.
You shouldn’t just take this step on the side.
A successful migration process should go through 3 phases – the preparation phase, the migration phase and the final phase.
The first phase is about checking whether the existing system is sufficient for a migration, i.e. checking whether the server performance is suitable, whether the correct PHP version is available, whether the correct MySQL version is active, whether the correct Shopware license is available, etc. During this process, an agency would already check which parts of the store can simply be transferred and which parts need to be rebuilt, which plugins can be transferred and which need to be replaced.
This is rather difficult for the layman to assess without Shopware 6 knowledge and therefore often leads to unpleasant results AFTER the migration.
This is why it is worth getting an agency on board for this process in order to ensure that the process runs smoothly from the start.
Before the second phase starts, a system backup should be made.

The 3 phases of migration

The second phase is the migration process.
Here, the system is actively updated and the article data, customer data etc. is transferred.
Between the final phase and the migration phase, there is also the verification phase.
After the update has been completed, it must be meticulously checked whether there were any errors, if so, where and how they can be rectified.
In the final phase, the store goes live, i.e. the relaunch is prepared and completed.
This is what the process would look like if you decide to migrate to Shopware 6, but what are the alternatives?
As the effort involved is relatively high and, as already mentioned, cannot be compared with a normal update, the question also arises as to whether it would make sense to switch to another store system such as Shopify, JTL-Shop or Adobe Commerce.
There is no general answer to this question, so take a look at the linked playlist.
There we have compared all common store systems with each other and worked out the advantages and disadvantages.
Otherwise, we at eBakery will be happy to advise you as a holistic store agency.

Shopware 5 end of support - summary

So let’s summarize everything once again.
Since July 2024, Shopware no longer provides official support for Shopware 5. This is now taken over by another company called Safefive for a fee.
If you don’t act at all, you risk security vulnerabilities and the resulting cyberattacks, which could damage your reputation and result in the loss of customer data, which in turn could lead to legal consequences.
So what should you do now?
The best thing to do is to seek advice as soon as possible on which option is the most ideal for you.
A migration to Shopware 6?
Or another store system?

Shopware agency eBakery

We at eBakery are happy to take on the task.
As a Shopware agency, we have the necessary know-how and expertise to present and implement the right solution for you.
If you are interested, make an appointment directly here.

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