Shopware 6 tools for successful online stores

Rule Builder / Flow Builder

Together with the Flow Builder, the Rule Builder is probably the most important tool in Shopware 6.
Watch the following video to find out how to integrate these two native features into your Shopware 6 workflows and what they are good for.

Shopware 6 tools for successful online stores - automation

In eCommerce, automation is the key to saving time, resources and ultimately offering greater efficiency than the competition.
Shopware 6 is a store system that is way ahead when it comes to automation in online stores.
In this article, you can find out which two tools can be used to achieve this, which practical examples can be used and how the whole thing works.
So if you want to scale your online store, you can’t get around the points of “time savings” and “efficiency”.
One step in this direction is automation, such as the automated creation and sending of order confirmation emails, the automated creation of invoices, automated email marketing, etc. But how do you do this in Shopware 6?
There is the Rule and Flow Builder, which can be used in combination to integrate automation workflows into your online store.
But what is what?

Rule Builder vs. Flow Builder

The bottom line is that, as the name suggests, the Rule Builder creates rules that can then be used in the Flow Builder for the respective workflow.
Here is an example.
We are currently in the Flow Builder.
I have already selected the incoming payment as the trigger within the Flow Builder.
This means that this workflow only takes effect once the payment has been received.
We can then add IF/THEN conditions to the trigger, e.g.
as an IF condition: “It’s Sunday”.
We would then define the action that should take place when a payment is received on Sunday.
But let’s leave that out for now.
What I just wanted to show you here is that the rule “Is Monday” does not yet exist.
This is exactly what we need the Rule Builder for.

Shopware 6 tools for successful online stores - The Rule Builder

We go to the settings and click on the Rule Builder.
Here we can see all the ready-made rules integrated into Shopware 6 by default.
We create a new rule, name it “Is Monday” and define the rule underneath.
As Monday is a weekday, we have to select “weekday” as the condition.
The operator would be “is equal to”.
The parameter behind it would therefore be “Monday” in our case.
Once we have saved this rule, we go back to the Flow Builder and define the same trigger again.
If we now click on the IF rule, we see the new value “Is Monday”.
This means you can predefine all the rules and then use them to build workflows.
Let’s go back to the Rule Builder and go through a practical application example.

Shopware 6 tools for successful online stores - The Flow Builder

As you can see, you can create rules for almost everything in the store.
For the order status, for specific customers, for the shopping cart, etc. We now want to create a workflow that sends a discount code to specific customers.
Our first condition for the rule therefore relates to the “Customers” area and should only be enabled for customers who are newsletter subscribers.
This means we select “Yes” as the parameter behind it.
If we want to add an additional rule as an “And” condition, we click on this.
We want to say that a shopping cart value of €100 must be reached.
So sum -> is greater than/equal to -> 100.
Don’t forget to save at the end.
Now we go back to the flow builder.
We want to send a discount code to the newsletter customer who has paid more than 100€ after receipt of payment.
This means that the trigger is again order -> payment method -> receipt.
The condition is the rule we have just created and the action is generate email.
Now you should have already created two things in advance.
Firstly, the discount promotion so that you can integrate the discount code within the email template and the email template.
You would then select this here as the template and add the promotion.
The email with the discount code would then be sent to all newsletter subscribers who have purchased for €100.

Shopware agency eBakery

As you have seen, you can then restrict the whole thing with further conditions and thus integrate any imaginable workflows.
If you need help with this, we at eBakery as a Shopware agency will be happy to help you integrate the most practical workflows within your Shopware store.
You can find all information about us and our other services on the linked page.
You can also easily make an appointment with us there or here below the article using the contact form.

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