Shopware 6 Rule Builder

Create individual rules with the help of conditions

With Shopware 6 Rule Builder, it becomes possible to create custom rules for specific groups through conditions. Learn how to define your terms and set these rules for specific products in the Shopware 6 Screencast Tutorial.

Create conditions for individual rules with the Shopware 6 Rule Builder

The name of our topic already reveals what it is about – it is about establishing certain rules that then apply to defined events or groups of people. To make it a bit more concrete, we go to the settings in the administration area and can open our Rule Builder here. As before, we see the overview of our already created rules here and can edit, duplicate or delete them using the context menu. We want to add a new rule, so we click Create Rule and enter a name for our rule. Since we named our“Rule # 1“, this is of course also very important to us.
That is why we give this a very high priority. Here, the higher the number, the higher the priority. So a 20 would have a higher priority than a 2.
The description is only for you to recognize, so it will not be played anywhere in the frontend.

Determine rules for shipping methods, payment methods and prices

Now we have to choose a type. Whether we want to set rules for shipping methods, payment methods, or price. We decide in this blog for the price. The bottom field is now virtually the heart of the Shopware 6 Rule Builder. The interface for creating conditions. We want to set a certain price for a specific group of customers, so we select the “Customer group” condition and define which specific group it should be. Now another condition can be added which must also be true. Ex. Period.
This means that if a site visitor from the corresponding customer group calls up product X between 4 and 8 p.m., price Y will be displayed.

Shopware 6 Rule Builder - Assigning rules to products

Now we can add an or-condition to the rule #1 – for example. set a shopping cart value.
So page visitors who buy product X will be charged price Y if they belong to the customer group and are on the page at 6pm or have a shopping cart value greater than or equal to 100. We save this rule and link it to a product.
So we go to our products under catalogs, select one, and here we see the“extended pricing” option. In the selectable condition rules, rule #1 is also directly available to us. We see the default price in different currencies and can now play out a separate price for all people to whom rule #1 applies. At the end, don’t forget to save and you will have created your first rule with the help of the Rule Builder and applied it to a specific product.

Shopware 6 agency eBakery will be glad to help you

If something didn’t go quite as smoothly as shown in our screencast and you’d rather leave the store optimization to the experts now, feel free to make an appointment with the Shopware specialists at eBakery. We are happy to help you as a Shopware agency.

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