Social media bullying

Is TikTok becoming dangerous?

Is TikTok a legal vacuum?
– Ali and Argin ask this question in today’s eCommerce podcast episode of “They Not Like Us”.
The question is whether TikTok can be controlled in terms of content, as is the case with Facebook, for example.
Facebook, for example, or whether the algorithm filters out critical content.
It’s about bullying in the past and social media bullying today.
How dangerous are social networks?
Find out in the video, so it’s best to watch to the end.

Social media bullying - a problem of modern times

The discussion about the dangers of social media, especially TikTok, is more topical than ever.
In recent years, the way in which people interact with each other has changed drastically.
Bullying, which once took place mainly in face-to-face contact, has moved online and is taking on new forms.
In this article, we look at the risks of TikTok and the challenges associated with policing such platforms.

Does TikTok filter inappropriate content?

The question of whether TikTok is a legal vacuum raises many discussions.
Users often notice that content is shared on TikTok that is not permitted on other social media.
The platform is often used for the dissemination of questionable content, ranging from far-right views to violent depictions.
A key point is that TikTok is a Chinese company and is therefore subject to different rules than Western platforms.
In the EU, content from platforms such as Russian TV is blocked, while such content is still visible on TikTok.
This raises the question of how effectively TikTok is able to filter harmful content.

Social media bullying - Are algorithms sufficient for content control?

One of the biggest challenges with content control on TikTok is the algorithm used for moderation.
While other platforms employ humans to moderate content, TikTok seems to rely more heavily on algorithm-based filtering.
This leads to the question of whether an algorithm is able to understand contextual and cultural nuances.

  • Algorithm filters do not recognize slang terms.
  • Insults can go undetected.
  • Human hands could filter more precisely.
  • The psychological strain on the moderators is high.

Moderators vs. algorithms

Our video features a documentary by VICE in which former Facebook moderators talk about their work.
Among other things, they describe the horrific images they were exposed to for several hours a day.
This in turn leads to a controversial discussion.
The fact that content is controlled by humans and then blocked if necessary makes the platform a safer place, especially for minors.
On the other hand, there is little chance of traumatizing the employees who inevitably have to view the controversial content.

The dangers on TikTok

The dangers posed by TikTok are manifold.
One example is the case of Barello, a TikTok user who was banned from the platform due to his content.
Such incidents show that the platform is not only a place for creative content, but also a space in which dangerous ideologies can be spread.
Another example is the viral songs that are played in clubs without the DJs being aware of the message behind them. This can lead to a normalization of extremist views and has already led to controversy. In this context, everyone will probably remember the Sylt video in which party guests shouted right-wing extremist slogans to Gigi d’Agostino’s hit “Lamours Toujours”, which caused a nationwide stir.

Social media bullying - Should social media be more strictly regulated?

The discussion about data protection is closely linked to the question of how social media should be regulated. Companies such as Meta, which includes Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, have shown in the past that they are under pressure from data protectionists and human rights activists. These organizations advocate clear rules to protect users.

  • Meta controls important social platforms.
  • Data protection is a key issue.
  • Regulation could become necessary.

Social media bullying vs. bullying in the past

Bullying has changed in the digital age. In the past, bullying often took place directly in the schoolyard. Today, it often happens anonymously and strategically via social media. Cyberbullying has become a serious problem that is often difficult to control. The fact that many young people film content and post it on the Internet exacerbates the problem. Bullying is not only experienced, but also documented and recorded for posterity. This can lead to enormous psychological stress for the victims.

The effects

The effects of cyberbullying can be devastating. The constant availability of social media means that victims are often confronted with bullying around the clock. This can lead to serious psychological problems that are often not immediately apparent.

  • Mental stress can be long-term.
  • Victims often feel isolated.
  • The shame of seeking help is great.
  • The consequences can go as far as self-harm.

Regulation sensible or censorship?

The issue of regulating social media is complex. While some people are calling for more control and regulation, others see this as censorship. It is important to find a balance that both protects freedom of expression and protects users from harmful content. The experiences of users also play an important role in the discussion about regulation. Many young people use platforms like TikTok to express themselves. At the same time, they are often unaware of the risks. Education is therefore crucial.

Social media bullying - why education is necessary

Education about the dangers of social media should be a central component of education. Schools and parents must inform young people about the risks and encourage them to use social media responsibly.

  • Schools should offer workshops.
  • Parents should talk to their children.
  • Education about cyberbullying is important.
  • Promote responsible use of media.


The discussion about the dangers of TikTok and other social media is important and necessary. It is imperative that we as a society think about how we can protect our young people while giving them the opportunity to express themselves. Regulation, education and responsible use of these platforms are crucial to minimize the risks and create a safe environment for all users.
If you as a company have not yet found the right strategy on how to use this form of marketing for you, we as a social media agency will be happy to help. Make an appointment directly.

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