Social media distribution

LinkedIn vs. TikTok

As an entrepreneur, should you use social media for sales?
Ali, Argin and Helena asked themselves this question in this podcast episode “They Not Like Us”.
It’s about their favorite channels from LinkedIn to TikTok.
Which platform offers the biggest opportunity?
To make sure you don’t miss it, watch to the end.

How social media sales work

In today’s business world, social media plays a crucial role in sales.
Companies and individuals are using platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok to reach their target audiences and sell their products or services.
In this article, we will look at the different aspects of social media sales and how to use these channels effectively.

Social media sales - the advantages

Social media has become an indispensable tool in sales.
The opportunities offered by these platforms are enormous.
They not only enable communication with potential customers, but also a deeper market analysis and target group approach.

  • Direct communication with customers
  • Market research and target group analysis
  • Increase brand awareness and visibility
  • Building trust and credibility
  • Promoting engagement through content

The use of social media in sales is not just a question of reach, but also of the quality of the interactions.
Personal contact and an individual approach are crucial to building trust.

LinkedIn vs. TikTok

There are many social media platforms that can be used for sales.
Each platform has its own strengths and target groups.
Here are some of the most important ones:

  • LinkedIn: Ideal for B2B sales and networking.
  • Instagram: Visual platform, suitable for branding.
  • TikTok: Growing platform with great commitment.
  • Facebook: Broad target group, good for ads.

The choice of platform should be based on the target group and sales objectives.
LinkedIn is ideal for professional networks, while Instagram and TikTok appeal to younger target groups.

What is the setter-closer principle?

A frequently discussed concept in social media sales is the setter-closer principle.
This is a method where one person, the setter, generates leads and another person, the closer, closes the sale.
This structure can be effective, but it is important that both roles work well together and that communication between them is smooth.
The quality of the leads and the ability to convert these leads into paying customers are critical to the success of this method.

Social media sales - does social selling make sense?

Social selling is a technique that aims to build relationships with potential customers via social media.
Instead of selling directly, the focus is on offering added value and gaining trust.

  • Building relationships
  • Long-term customer loyalty
  • Increasing visibility
  • Improvement of the brand image

Social selling allows companies to demonstrate their expertise and position themselves as trusted advisors.
This often leads to a higher conversion rate, as customers are more likely to buy from companies they trust.

What content should you post?

Content plays a central role in social media sales.
High-quality content not only attracts the attention of potential customers, but also helps to demonstrate the company’s expertise.

Here are some types of content that can be effective:

  • Blog articles and specialist articles
  • Videos and webinars
  • Infographics and visual content
  • Social media posts and stories

The content should aim to offer added value and inform the target group.
This encourages engagement and interaction with the brand.

LinkedIn for the B2B sector

LinkedIn has established itself as one of the most effective platforms for B2B acquisition.
Companies can target potential customers and expand their networks here.

Some tips for acquisition on LinkedIn are:

  • Send targeted contact requests
  • Compose personalized messages
  • Actively participate in discussions
  • Share valuable content

By taking a strategic approach, companies can increase their visibility and make valuable contacts.

Social media sales - the challenges

Despite the many advantages that social media offers in sales, there are also challenges.
One of the biggest hurdles is the large number of messages and offers that potential customers receive on a daily basis.
To stand out in this crowded space, companies need to be creative and unique.
It is also important to remain authentic and not send mass messages, as this is often perceived as spam.

Distribution on TikTok?

TikTok has established itself as an up-and-coming platform in social media distribution.
With its entertaining and creative approach, TikTok attracts a broad target group and offers companies the opportunity to interact with their customers in an innovative way.

Here are some reasons why TikTok is important for sales:

  • High reach and engagement
  • Visual and creative content
  • Young target group with purchasing power
  • Opportunities for viral content

Using TikTok can help companies to increase their brand awareness and attract new customers.

Social media sales - summary

Social media marketing is an essential part of the modern business world.
The correct use of platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok can help companies to reach their target groups effectively and increase their sales.
Personalized outreach, quality content and relationship building are crucial to success in social media sales.
Companies should continuously adapt and develop new strategies to remain successful in the ever-changing digital landscape.
Overall, it is important to see social media not just as a sales channel, but as a platform for dialog and interaction with customers.
Through authentic communication and the exchange of added value, companies can build long-term relationships and be successful in sales.
If you need help with this, we as a social media agency will be happy to help. Make an appointment directly here.

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