WordPress SEO Plugins – 5 Must-Have Plugins for WordPress

These 5 WordPress SEO plugins will help you improve your ranking in search engines like Google, but also make life easier for your site visitors, potential customers, etc. That is, these plugins target both performance and usability. So if you want to know how to spruce up your content management tool, feel free to check out our screencast or read on below the video.

The WordPress SEO plugin for optimizing your meta data

The first plugin in our list is Yoast SEO. Yoast SEO simply controls everything it takes to achieve good Google rankings and tells you what to optimize.
Starting with the OnPage optimization, over the meta data like the meta title and the meta description up to the reader friendliness, this plugin ensures that in the end high quality, SEO optimized and user friendly content comes out.
While WordPress is already very SEO friendly out of the box, competition is becoming increasingly fierce and Google’s algorithm is becoming more and more precise, but at the same time picky. Therefore, you should not make the mistake of being sloppy with e.g. the use of a new material. your meta data, but really conscientiously consider all the points that need to be taken into account.

Get better pagespeed through data compression

In addition to good texts with the right keywords, the amount of data to be loaded is also a decisive SEO factor and should therefore be kept as small as possible, preferably with consistent quality. For this, there is the Smush plugin for compression and optimization. This keeps the quality of your images consistent, reduces the amount of data in your images through compression, thereby reducing load time and ultimately optimizing the pagespeed of your site.

Improve the performance of your site with this WordPress SEO plugin

Improving the pagespeed and increasing the performance of your site is also accomplished by our third plugin. W3 Total Cache speeds up your load times by a factor of 10 and gives your site visitors the fastest possible load time that their network will give. The whole thing is accomplished by caching. Some hosting providers have already integrated caching. For all those for whom this should not be the case, W3 Total Cache is a must-have plugin.

Now that you have your keywords in place, your meta data optimized, your data compressed to a minimum, and your caching minimizing your customers’ load times, it’s time to ensure security. Because what no one can afford now is a hacking attack. Even if you win your site back, it can have serious consequences for your Google rankings. These consequences can sometimes not be eradicated at all, sometimes only over months. Therefore, a security plugin should not be missing in your WordPress stack. Sucuri Security is one of the security plugins you can use for this.

WordPress SEO Plugin for Smartphone Optimization

Not only the resolution and aspect ratio differ between mobile view and desktop. The requirements for the data network are also usually quite different. To optimize the performance of your WordPress site also for mobile users, there is the WordPress SEO plugin AMP.

If these 5 plugins are not enough for you and you would rather have your WordPress site customized to your wishes and those of your target audience. Then we as a WordPress SEO agency will gladly support you. Why not arrange a free consultation right now: www.ebakery.de/kontakt.

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