ChatGPT Tutorial for Beginners

The Ultimate ChatGPT Guide

In this ChatGPT tutorial for beginners in German we will go through all the important points you need to consider before starting. We show you how to write prompts, how the ChatBot works and much more. All this in our ultimate ChatGPT guide.

ChatGPT Tutorial for Beginners - What You Need to Know Before You Start

Since our ChatGPT videos have been so well received, let’s give those who haven’t heard of it or haven’t used Artificial Intelligence yet a chance to get started. That’s why this ChatGPT guide is aimed at the rank newbies. We show you how to sign up, what makes ChatGPT different from a search engine, how to use the AI for everyday but also business matters, but also what you can do when errors occur and where ChatGPT still reaches its limits.

What is ChatGPT?

In order not to lose any time, let’s start right away. By the way, ChatGPT stands for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer ChatBot. So it’s a chatbot based on machine learning and developed by the company OpenAI.The two biggest backers are Elon Musk and Microsoft. This is not an app that you download, but a URL that you call up in your browser, similar to the way you do it, for example. The domain name is: This will take you to the login page, where you can then log in or register. Let us show you the registration process. You can log in directly with an existing Google or Microsoft account, or create a completely new account using an email address. Now just set a secure password and verify yourself by clicking on the sent email in your inbox. Once you have logged in, enter your name and a valid cell phone number, which must then also be verified with a confirmation code.

ChatGPT Tutorial for Beginners - The Hints

Then the browser window should look similar to mine. To understand how ChatGPT works, it is worth reading the notes. Regarding the capabilities, it is noted that the bot remembers the previous conversation within a chat. If you open a new chat, however, it starts again from 0. This means that you can also train the bot yourself within a chat. But we’ll get to that in a moment. It is also possible to insert subsequent corrections in its prompt.

What is a prompt?

By the way, prompt is the name of the request you send to the ChatBot. That means you are asking for a recipe. However, meat is included in this one. Then you can add that you would like a meat-free recipe, however. That would be one way, the other would be to re-prompt so that a new answer is given. Of course, that wouldn’t do you any good with the meat example. And inappropriate prompts are disregarded or they would lead to an error. If you have e.g. when Prompt asks to create a blueprint for a bomb. It should also be noted that it is possible that incorrect information is given or harmful instructions are caused. This means that a subsequent review must be observed. And the last thing that becomes clear is that ChatGPT was trained until 2021. That means the ChatBot has a knowledge up to this time.

ChatGPT Tutorial for Beginners - The First Prompt

Otherwise, there is not much more to present beforehand. If you click on it under the prompt input, you will get more information about which version you are using. Otherwise, there is still the Plus Plan for $20 per month. This will give you prioritized access. So should the server load ever be high, you will be preferred. Everything else is secondary, such as the light or dark mode. What would still be important is the left column. Here you will see all your previous chats and you can create a new one. What you then enter here as a message is called a prompt and can be formulated as in the examples. However, to understand how it works, let’s do a mathematical example. If we simply enter 100 + 200, ChatGPT will give us the answer. If we are not satisfied with the way, we can request an alternative response. As you will see, the result is a continuous text answer. If we want to look through the individual answers, we can simply use the arrows here. To give OpenAI feedback on how qualitative the response was, we can use these two thumbs.

What do we do in case of a ChatGPT Error?

But what we can see in it is that ChatGPT gives the answers in English from the start. If we were to ask a question in German now, a German answer would also come. Therefore, it does not matter which language you use. As you can see here, error messages can occur from time to time. This is the case when the server is overloaded or you make an invalid prompt. Here you now have 3 options, either you click again on Regenerative Response, in our case this was crowned with success. Or you can reformulate the prompt with a little more detail. Or you can log out and log in again. So if this should ever occur, you know what to do. What has now also become clear is that a German response appears to a German-worded prompt. However, as previously indicated, incorrect answers may also occur. If this is the case, you can give the correct answer to the ChatBot itself, so that it continues to work with this. Let’s demonstrate this and trick the bot into thinking that a banana is blue.

ChatGPT Tutorial for Beginners - How to Train the ChatBot

It takes a few attempts until the ChatBot jumps on it and believes us. So this shows that we can configure the ChatBot according to our wishes, but also shows that we ourselves can manipulate the results that come out of it. However, if we want to restore the status quo, i.e. virtually re-prompt an untrained bot, then we can click on the button at the top left and ask again if a banana is blue. And we get the clear answer that there are no blue bananas. From our ChatGPT SEO special, diligent viewers will also already know that the chat history is composed of and influenced by the previous prompts. That is, in this example, we had asked for keywords on a specific topic. If you want to write a blog article about this topic, you don’t have to enter the complete topic again, but just that you want to write a blog, because the bot follows the previous one. These are all things that distinguish Artificial Intelligence from mere search engines.

Practical example for the private sector

But how can we nowmake good use of them? An application example for everyday life would be a recipe. You want new cooking ideas. You know chicken and rice is very healthy but too boring for you. So you enter the following: I would like to cook a delicious and healthy dish with chicken and rice and sauce. Can you give me a recipe for that? And already you get everything you need for the preparation. Or you’re starting out in fitness and now you want a workout plan. Here you write: I would like to have a workout plan for the gym. I am a beginner and plan to go to the gym 3 times a week. And I can tell you as a semi-experienced person, this is a pretty good plan that takes into account some important things. Firstly, the whole body workout, as well as the range of repetition, as well as the load. So ChatGPT takes into account in the case that this plan is for a beginner. This means for us that we get better results the more accurate our prompt is, the more targeted we train the bot and the more precise our query is.

ChatGPT tutorial for beginners - practical example for the business sector

But now an example from the business context. We want to get an idea for a cover letter. So again we give the bot some information about our project and ask it to create a fancy application. And here, too, the result is quite impressive. The rather disadvantageous basic conditions were put in a positive light and the whole thing was written in a fancy way. This means that you can specify not only what should be written, but also how, how long, for whom, etc.
It’s up to you to learn how to write the best prompts to get the best result for you.

ChatGPT Tutorial for Beginners - Summary

As a final tip. If ChatGPT stops writing in the middle of a sentence, don’t worry. Just type as prompt: “Continue writing” and the bot will continue. Hopefully you now have a good overview of what ChatGPT is, how it works, what works and what doesn’t and how you can get your account for free to use the AI in the future either privately or in a business context. If there are any questions about it, write them to us in the comments. Otherwise, we also know about search engines, how to optimize your website for them, but can also optimize your store performance as an eCommerce agency. Please make an appointment with us right here.

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