John Mueller, Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst, clarified last October that price does not affect website ranking and Google does not plan to include price as a ranking factor. So you can stay calm. The price of the product is certainly important for online stores to be economically successful. However, this is not the case with Google, because as it is now known, whether we have luxury products or market offers, this makes no difference in the position of the search results. However, this may be different if we are looking for purchases or a product that uses prices as a ranking factor.

Google Shopping – Prices as classification factors

When searching for the website, the price does not matter for the ranking. Google’s goal is not to present them as a metric so that prices are used as a classifier. From the point of view of the research mechanism, this does not lead to a cheap product and therefore classifies the highest site or defer more expensive products.

Product research: prices and availability

The price does not matter during the web search, but when searching for a product it may be different. Right now, many experts are in the dark about how to be truly relevant in Google Shopping. Therefore, it is possible that the price may also be important in addition to availability. The product feed is a promising way for online stores to put products directly on Google search results. Settings are made, attributes are specified to their product and grouped in the feeds. And what are these attributes? These are descriptions of features such as condition or availability, but also the price. This is done to facilitate user research. One can classify product search results in terms of price. Here, a lower price may have an advantage that can influence the ranking.

When are prices important as classification factors in Google then?

These are important if you want to apply your goods in product research. However, offering a low price is not crucial for web results. It gets more complicated with the issue when products are displayed in search results in different places, e.g. web results and Google product search. This mixture provides a kind of classification factor for the price, as it can influence the research.

For questions about Google Shopping eBakery helps

As an SEO agency, we are happy to help you build and ensure your products get the best results in the world of shopping. eBakery will be glad to support you, contact us via the form.

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