Shopware 6 Manage delivery times

Manage delivery times in your Shopware 6 store

How to add new delivery times in your Shopware 6 store, manage them and maintain them during item creation, we will demonstrate in this Shopware 6 tutorial.

Shopware 6 Manage delivery times - Here's how

This Shopware 6 episode is about delivery times. The delivery times function offers you the possibility to show your customers information about the expected delivery times of the individual products. This information is displayed on the product detail page, for example. But where can they be found in the administration area?

How to edit the delivery times in your Shopware 6 backend

To do this, go to Settings and in the Shops submenu you will find the icon for delivery times. There we can see the overview of all delivery times created so far. If you now say for yourself, with you nothing takes 3 – 4 week, because you work only with fast suppliers, you could for example. go to the context menu in the line and click“Edit”. The individual items are relatively self-explanatory. The name is played out on the product detail pages, so it should be as meaningful as possible. For the dynamic calculation of the display in the shopping cart and order completion, the unit specifications, as well as the minimum and maximum specifications are relevant. Based on this information, the dates are determined automatically.
So for our example we can leave the unit as it is but instead of minimum 3 and maximum 4, we change that to 2 and 3 and save.

Practical example for managing delivery times

If you want to create a new delivery time, click on “Create delivery time” and enter the corresponding values as described above.
So much for the theoretical creation of these delivery times. But how can I apply this practically?

We want to test this once and create a completely new delivery time, which we set utopian high.
Then we go into the catalogs on products, go into any product, scroll down to“deliverability” and here we see the configuration field for the delivery time. And lo and behold, our just created value is there and can be selected. Now if we have a positive inventory, this delivery time should also be displayed in the frontend on the product detail page.
With this we have created and successfully integrated our individual delivery time.

For questions about Shopware 6 contact eBakery

Now you know how to easily and efficiently adapt your delivery times and integrate them into your product creation. If you have any further questions about Shopware 6, we at eBakery are happy to help and support you as a Shopware agency.

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