Create and edit Shopware 6 text modules

How to customize your text modules in Shopware 6

In this Shopware 6 tutorial you will learn how to change these text modules in your Shopware 6 administration area or how to optimize them for other languages.

Shopware 6 Create text modules - this is how it works

In this blog article, we’ll explain how to customize text modules in your Shopware 6 store, what they’re for in the first place, and how the whole thing would look in the frontend. You can find them in the settings of your Shopware 6 administration area. In the store subsection you can already see the text modules. Shopware itself says text modules are used for the translation and customization of texts. These can be customized and managed centrally. Namely, right here in the module provided for this purpose.

These text modules are available by default

By default, Base de-DE and BASE en-GB, i.e. once in German and once in English are available. These two are so-called text module sets and should be kept as they are and not changed, since they are quasi factory settings to which you can always return.
This basic information is contained in the so-called base files.
Therefore, a plausible solution to create a new set would be to go to the arrow next to “Add text module set” and duplicate one of them. One reason why this should be done would be to integrate a new language, for example. So if you want to adjust the name now, double-click next to the name and name the text module set correctly.

How to customize your Shopware 6 text modules

Now you can go into the duplicate and edit it. To do this, go to the context menu and click Edit. In this text module set you can see the individual text modules, which should also make it a little clearer what they are. Theoretically, you would now have to manually adjust each individual text module. Practically speaking, however, there are ready-made language packs in the Shopware Store that you can simply download for free. If you still want to make adjustments afterwards or create a new text module, you can do so in this area. In the upper right corner there is a button for creating new text blocks, on the right side next to the text blocks there is a function button for updating the text blocks and below the funnel symbol there is a filter. Here you have different possibilities to find your specific text module. Ex. if it is in the footer, by checking the “footer” area. An even simpler method is the search bar.

Practical example for the adaptation of the text modules

With that, let’s now go through a concrete practical use case. We want to change the text module “To checkout” that appears as soon as you have added something to the shopping cart to “To checkout”. To do this, we enter “checkout” in the search mask and get two hits. Now you have to know the exact name in advance or you change both and see which is the right value. We know“checkout.proceedToCheckout” is the correct text module, which is why we click on the context menu there and edit it. We edit once the German version and the Spanish one. Then we save and go back to the main menu. Switch to System, go into the cache settings and clear them.

Quite simply change text module "To checkout

Now we switch to the frontend, put a product in the shopping cart and see that the button has changed to our liking.
This way you can easily make individual adjustments to text modules throughout the store. But as I said, don’t bother translating everything by hand, there are already language packs in the Shopware Store for that.

For questions about Shopware 6 contact eBakery

Now you know how to easily and efficiently modify your text modules to make individual adjustments. If you have any further questions about Shopware 6, we at eBakery are happy to help and support you as a Shopware agency.

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