The 5 best FREE Shopware 6 plugins

Our top 5

These are the 5 best FREE Shopware 6 plugins 2024. This allows technical problems to be identified more quickly, redirections to be integrated in an SEO-compliant manner and loading times to be minimized. You can see exactly how to do this in the following tutorial.

The 5 best FREE Shopware 6 plugins - number 1

Let’s start with our first plugin. “Tools” sounds and looks inconspicuous at first, but can be incredibly helpful if you have problems in the store. The control parameters shown here will be added to your admin area. This means that if your PHP version is too old, your execution time is too slow or, as in this case, the memory limit of 256MB is too small, a red circle will be displayed at the top of the screen immediately after logging into your store. This tells you that something is wrong and you can go to your settings, extensions and tools to see what is wrong with the tools plugin.

Shopware SEO with this plugin

Our free tool number 2 is a Shopware SEO plugin. The SEO Redirect (301 / 302) plugin is useful if you have already built up rankings with a page, but it is outdated or a store relaunch with a new URL structure is pending. If you redirect from your old site to the new one, the SEO strength remains the same, you simply forward it. If you don’t do this, your rankings are wasted. That’s why this plugin is your essential tool as a Shopware retailer.

There you will find the redirects

It is also super easy to use. You can find the redirects in the store settings of your admin area once you have installed the tool. There you simply enter your source page, i.e. the old page, and the target page, i.e. the new page. After saving, the new page is then called up, even if the old URL is entered. This also applies to the Google Bot, which is why the rankings are retained.

The 5 best FREE Shopware 6 plugins - Improve PageSpeed

Our tool #3 is a bit more technical, but can significantly optimize your PageSpeed, which in turn has an influence on your rankings, as you already know. What this free tool does is the following. Most people are aware that code can quickly become confusing, which is why they try to make life easier for themselves by using placeholders, breaks etc. when developing code. In the end, however, these lengthen the reading of the page, resulting in poorer PageSpeed. To use this code for e.g. to enhance the Google Bot, the HTML Minify plugin is used. HTML minimization reduces the content by up to 50% on average. Therefore, a very clear recommendation from us.

Easily integrate CSS and Java code

Let’s stick straight to the technical tools and introduce you to the Custom JavaScript/CSS Manager. Want to quickly change the font color of the third paragraph? Do you want to emphasize certain words?
You want a picture a little more on the edge? You can make just such small changes with CSS. But to avoid having to adapt files on the server first, there is this Shopware 6 Manager. This allows you to make such changes from the admin area. To access the plugin, you have to go to your extensions after installation and you will find it here. Now you can easily create your container from the backend and code the desired change using CSS.

The 5 best FREE Shopware 6 plugins - Our number 5

Don’t worry, our number 5 is a less technical plugin, but it can help you enormously with your marketing. The problem with Shopware 6’s standard cookie banner is that it is integrated into the lower edge of the screen in a way that is not very disruptive. This is both a blessing and a curse. The customer can therefore continue to use the store and is only subtly restricted. For you, however, this means no tracking data. Ergo worse audiences for your ads campaigns. The free solution for this is the PopUp Banner from Media Concept AG. If you have installed this plugin, the banner pops up and must be answered in some way. At least it will not be overlooked. This in turn gives you a greater chance of obtaining tracking data, as this plugin also integrates an “Accept all cookies” button.

Shopware agency eBakery

These were our top 5 free Shopware 6 plugins 2024. Feel free to write us in the comments which was your favorite. If you still have any questions, please leave a comment below the video. Our store experts will be happy to take care of the more complex issues. As a Shopware agency, we are happy to provide support. Make an appointment directly here.

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