ChatGPT Plugins

Huge update for GPT-4 enables third-party connectivity

In this ChatGPT Plugins tutorial we will show you the latest GPT-4 update. This now makes it possible to combine several components. Which 11 plugins are currently available, which plugins Open AI provides itself and how to get them, you can see here.

A new update awaits you

New announcements are coming every week and the AI is improving more and more. Also today it’s about ChatGPT again, because there is a new update. And that doesn’t mean GPT-4, but the new Open AI as well as third-party apps. If you want to know what it’s all about and where you can get it, it’s best to read to the end. If, on the other hand, you would like advice on search engine optimization or have it applied directly to your store, feel free to check out our Google SEO Agency page. There as well as here under this article you can make an appointment with us.

ChatGPT Plugins - What is it all about?

But what is it about the plugins?
Yes, ChatGPT will get its own app store. With this, the AI can now interact directly with any other websites and apps in the chat. But also the use of current data is now guaranteed, because now ChatGPT can search the web and thus quickly and specifically access any data from 2023 bspw. Accessible. But let’s take a closer look at the apps. 11 third-party apps are currently available in the Plus version. Among them is the store app discussed in our last video, but also other well-known sites like Expedia, OpenTable or Zapier.

ChatGPT Plugins - A sample application

As an example of how different apps can be combined and brought together by ChatGPT, the prompt is used: “I would like to go out to eat at a vegan restaurant in San Francisco on Saturday. Can you please give me a recommendation for that? And for Sunday, I would need a recipe. Please calculate the calories for me for this recipe and order the ingredients. So used 3 plugins in combination for this. OpenTable for the restaurant recommendation, Wolfram to calculate the calories and InstaCart to order the ingredients. So ChatGPT can now easily organize the food for the weekend. But its own plugins also cause astonishment. With Browsing, questions can be formulated as prompts and the Internet is searched based on them. But unlike Google, you get a formulated answer including source information and the corresponding sources as a link. The second own plugin is called “Code Interpreter”.

What is the "Open AI Code Interpreter"?

Ex. you can use it to upload any images and this tool will explain what is on it. Do you want to have this in a smaller format, because you want to use it for example. in your online store, but you don’t want to decrease your PageSpeed, then you can make it smaller. If you want to change its appearance, this is also no problem for the Code Interpreter. Here, for example, could be one field of application could be that you take the base of your logo from a stock library and then use it, for example, to create a new logo. color to match your CI colors. Other plugins allow, for example, uploading videos so that ChatGPT can create a summary.
But where do you get the plugins now?

How can you use the ChatGPT plugins?

Currently, ChatGPT Plus users are preferred and get access to it first. ChatGPT Plus currently costs $20 per month and has also been available in Germany since February 10. But not all ChatGPT Plus users get access to it. It is slowly rolled out. What you can do, however, is to get yourself put on the waitlist. This can be accessed at If you are one of those who have access to it, you can select “Plugins” in the model selection and be redirected to the Plugin Store. Here you can install the plugins you want and then use them as you saw before.

ChatGPT Plugins - Summary

However, these 11 plugins are just the beginning. In the future, more and more developers will provide plugins for your company. So it’s a groundbreaking innovation and will most likely change the way we interact with the Internet. But what is your opinion about it? Have you already found ways to improve your business through AI?
If so, let us know in the comments and help out the community. Otherwise you can make an appointment with our experts below.

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