Shopware Hosting – What you have to pay attention to

Hosting providers are a dime a dozen. But what do you need to look out for, and what is it anyway? We clarify these questions and more in this article.

What is hosting?

Just like your store needs a house to be in, your online store needs a server where it can be accessed. The hosting provider can take over many different functions – but does not have to. Especially with very cheap offers, the services are either very expensive or not available at all.

Like the apartment or the store at a rental house, you always get assigned a part of a larger server. You then select how many shares you need. The most important specifications are the number of processor cores, the working memory and whether the store is stored on a hard disk drive (HDD) or faster solid state drive (SSD).

How should the server be equipped?

Here it depends heavily on your need. How many visitors does your store have per day? Is the online store itself perhaps already resource hungry? What else needs to be connected to make the store work the way you need it to?

We will be happy to clarify all these questions in a personal consultation.

Depending on the store system and the number of visitors, the prices vary between about 25 € and several hundred euros per month. The fact is that you shouldn’t skimp on hosting. Because even if your store is well programmed and your articles are top, a slow server can make or break your Google ranking.

Here are a few rules of thumb:

Especially if you are just starting out, you should pay attention to scalability. As a rule, cloud hosting is recommended because additional hardware can be added very easily. Many providers advertise virtual processor cores, but do not write what these processor cores really are. Are they actually existing ones, or is the server’s processor subdivided again?

The promised working memory (RAM) should really be promised. The small print often talks about “Flex RAM” or similar. From this you can already see that you are sitting on a server with many other customers and in the worst case you are left behind when another customer needs a lot of memory at peak times.

For storage, you should definitely look for SSD storage. Hard disks are cheaper, but also much slower. And since speed is a big factor when it comes to search engine rankings and the feel-good factor of your visitors, every second counts here.

Additional services

With cheap hosting plans, it is often the case that services are missing. The most important are regular backups and server or store updates. Because just as a store and the building need a janitor, cleaning service, etc., the same must be done on a server. Updates and other security measures are very important to prevent customer data from being stolen or worse.

Also, someone should be available in case something happens.

Shopware hosting from a pro

We also offer your store a good hosting. You’re assured dedicated hardware, with no pitfalls, and fast SSD storage. If you are thinking about a change or at least considering it, why not arrange a free initial consultation right away and let us advise you in detail.

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