Have Shopware product description written by AI

Here's how

In this video, we show you how you can have the AI write your Shopware product descriptions. On the one hand, this requires a Shopware 6 plan, but also a special extension to be able to use Shopware’s AI Copilot. Here you can see what it is and how you can use it for your product texts.

Shpware Copilot vs Shopify Sidekick

We already told you that both Shopware with its AI Copilot and Shopify with Sidekick are now relying on AI solutions. This comparison episode is also linked again. But this episode will focus on how Shopware’s AI Copilot can be used in practice. Here you can find out which requirements you need to fulfill in order to use it and how you can use it to automatically write your product descriptions.

The Shopware Copilot performs these tasks

As already mentioned, Shopware’s new artificial intelligence now performs 9 tasks. In addition to automated keyword generation for images, the summary of product reviews, automated content creation for experience worlds, this also includes the independent writing of product texts, i.e. descriptions. But it doesn’t work all by itself, you have to consider the following beforehand.

Have Shopware product description written by AI - requirements

First of all, you need one of the three plans – Rise, Evolve or Beyond. If this is active, the Commercial Extension must be activated. How do you do that? Very simple. In the menu for extensions, you should then find “Shopware Commercial”, which you need to activate. This allows you to activate extensions explicitly for your plan, such as the AI Copilot. Once you have fulfilled these two requirements, you can go to any product in your product overview and will now find a link below the description editor that leads to the AI description wizard. All you have to do here is enter your keywords or, for example. Simply enter your product name and the wizard will automatically create a description based on it.

Have Shopware product description written by AI - Note!

But be careful. In our ChatGPT series, we also pointed out that artificial intelligence is a relief, but not a complete replacement. This means that before this text is blindly integrated, it should be proofread again. Better safe than sorry.

Shopware agency eBakery

You can now go through this for each product as you wish.
But we would be interested to know if you have already made use of the new AI Copilot?
If so, let us and the community know in the comments what your experiences have been like so far. Otherwise, our Shopware experts will also be happy to take care of the more complex challenges of your online store. Please feel free to make an appointment directly.

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