Google Ads (AdWords) Tips

From our experience, no online marketing channel polarizes more than Google Ads (AdWords). Here there are merchants who love their AdWords campaigns and merchants who pause their campaigns because they do not immediately bring the desired success. In this article we would like to introduce you to AdWords for online stores and also show you how you can successfully use AdWords for your online store.

What can I expect from AdWords?

Often the success of an AdWords campaign stands and falls with the expectations of the online merchant. If you assume that you can already generate profitable sales with the first invested euro, I have to pull the tooth out of your mouth at this point. For AdWords, you need the experience curve.

Of course, you usually only set up campaigns that are close to the actual product range, but there are many factors that influence the success of the campaign. Here we have listed a few essential factors for you:

  • Competition (How much does the competition invest in SEA and thus influence the click price?)
  • Landing pages (Are the landing pages trustworthy and is the customer willing to spend money here?)
  • Ad design (Do the ads convey enough information about the actual product? – Is the customer willing to click on the ad?)
  • Measuring success (Do we measure the success of the campaigns and can we use this to evaluate the campaigns?)

From our experience as an online marketing agency we can say that it can take 3 months until the AdWords account is optimized and the campaigns are running efficiently. During this time, constant optimization of the campaigns is required! In the area of eCommerce, it still makes sense to control campaigns using the so-called cost-revenue ratio (CTR). In this key performance indicator (KPI), we set the costs incurred (AdWords costs) in relation to the sales resulting from the campaigns.

AdWords in eCommerce

In the following section, we would like to give you tips on how to make AdWords successful as an online retailer.

Tip 1: Conversion tracking

The decisive factor in AdWords is the measurement of success. So, in any case, you should measure AdWords transactions and, in the best case, AdWords sales in order to successfully run AdWords ads. By measuring AdWords sales, you still have the ability to manage campaigns through the cost-to-sales ratio.

Tip 2: Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping ads are the performance bringer for online stores. Here, customers directly see the images and the price information and usually click the ads when there is a concrete interest to buy. This means that Google Shopping Ads in particular have good performance values.

Tip 3: Remarketing with shopping cart abandoners

Shopping cart abandoners are an opportunity for online retailers. These are interested in a product, but have abandoned the purchase. With Google AdWords and remarketing lists, you can remind these cart abandoners of their purchase process and, ideally, reactivate them. Thus, remarketing campaigns also belong in every AdWords setting of an online merchant.

Tip 4: Dynamic search ads

Often, as a merchant, you do not display for all products. With the dynamic search ads you get around the phenomenon and still achieve that all products are advertised. Ads for all indexed pages are now displayed here. This allows you to achieve a significantly greater reach with your own campaigns.

Tip 5: Free AdWords (Ads) Audit from eBakery

You have questions, we will be happy to advise you.

Conclusion: AdWords for online stores

Learn to love AdWords. With the right approach and methodology, almost any AdWords account can be set up profitably. Use the potential of AdWords to increase sales, but also to identify the relevant keywords for your online store. We will be happy to support you with a free analysis.

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