Shopware 6 Features

Sort your online store through filterable product information

With the help of the properties in Shopware 6, it is possible to assign certain characteristics to your products, which can then be used for filter masks. However, these can also be used to create variants. If you want to know how to set up these Shopware features, check out our screencast or read on below.

There you can find the Shopware 6 properties

After we have already brought structure through categorizations into our Shopware 6 store in one of the last blog articles, today we dedicate ourselves to the filterable properties. These Shopware 6 features help your customers to find the desired item by means of a search mask, but also help you to generate variants. We find this category under catalogs and properties. As in the other Shopware 6 episodes before, there is again the context menu, with which each individual position can be edited. If you want to create a new product property, you should click Add. In this case, we will edit the“Color” property.

Properties customization

The three mandatory fields are the name, representation of the proficiency selection and the sorting. The name is most likely self-explanatory, so here could also be bspw. Size, weight, material or year of publication can be entered. The display can appear either in text, color or image form and can be sorted numerically, alphanumerically or according to individual specifications. The description in this case is only for recognition and better classification for oneself. Therefore, this is also not a mandatory information. Once we have set these parameters and saved the whole thing, we can determine the property characteristics.

Create property attributes in Shopware 6

For the “Color” property, that would be any colors like green, blue, yellow, orange, etc.
For better identification, if you color your trait expressions, there are also exact color assignments here. Otherwise, the individual position and name. With this, we would have created our property and could assign it to a product. To do this, we go to Catalogs and Products in the left column, select e.g. our fork and see the Assign Properties tab here. We delete the expressions and determine once for demonstration that our fork is blue. Then we save the change and go back to our categories.

Shopware 6 properties filter in frontend

In our category cutlery we have placed all 3 products and integrated a filter mask in the world of experience. This can be found under the block category Sidebar directly as the first and as usual simply drag & drop into the main window. So now when we go to the frontend after saving, we see our three assigned products in the Cutlery category. If we select the color “blue” in the filter mask, only the fork will be displayed. Thus, we have done everything right.

Shopware 6 agency eBakery will be glad to help you

If something didn’t work out or you prefer to leave the store optimization to the experts, you are welcome to make an appointment with the Shopware specialists from eBakery. We are happy to help you as a Shopware agency.

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