Shopware 6 Theme customize

How to edit your Shopware 6 theme and optimize your online store

Learn how to customize your Shopware 6 theme, as well as what to look for when purchasing new themes, in today’s Shopware 6 Tutorial Screencast Episode. Not all Shopware themes are the same – we’ll tell you what else you need to consider besides responsiveness, PageSpeed and UX. For more Shopware 6 videos, check out our YouTube playlist.

Here you can customize your Shopware 6 themes

You can view the themes that are stored in your Shopware 6 store by clicking on Content and Themes. Here you have the possibility to sort them by creation date and edit date as well as to change the view from a tile view to a list view. As you can see, there are already two themes in our store, one of which is the “default theme” and therefore also locked, which is symbolized by the lock icon, so it cannot be deleted. In order to recognize the respective themes quickly and easily, a preview image can be stored. Since this is now the same for both, that would not be optimal, so we change that. If you don’t know how to upload media to your Shopware 6 store, we’ll explain it briefly. You go to Media under Content and then you can add your image to a desired folder using the “Upload Files” button. After that, go back to your theme overview, click on the context menu and add a preview. That means you search for your uploaded image and add this medium, already both thumbnails differ. If you want to customize your theme now, click on this thumbnail and you will see the parameters to edit. These include the primary and secondary colors, the borders, and the general background. But also the colors for the status messages, the font incl. Font customization, so what font you want for your Shopware store and finally the buy button, price and buy box text. Everything can be tuned exactly to your CI colors either by RGBA value or hexacode

You can edit these parameters

If you want to customize your theme now, click on this thumbnail and you will see the parameters to edit. These include the primary and secondary colors, the borders, and the general background. But also the colors for the status messages, the font incl. Font customization, so what font you want for your Shopware store and finally the buy button, price and buy box text. Everything can be adjusted exactly to your CI colors either by RGBA value or Hexacode

Responsiveness is very important with the theme

At the end of the theme settings you can add your logo for desktop, tablet and smartphone, which already shows that this theme will be “responsive”. With the question mark next to the individual positions, you can see exactly from which viewport size which logo is played. This way you can be sure that your logo will be displayed optimally on all devices.
So much for the settings options of the Shopware Default Theme. As you can see, the customization options are not very large, which is why many Shopware 6 users use external themes. This can make sense, but it can also make it worse. As I already mentioned, the default theme is responsive, which means that the display of your store is adapted to the tablet and mobile device.

Here's what to look for when customizing your third-party Shopware 6 theme

You should also pay attention to this when buying a theme. That is if it is possible – test, test, test to be on the safe side. Furthermore, an appealing design does not always mean an increase in the conversion rate. Familiarize yourself with the standards that every store should meet from a user experience and conversion perspective.
There are countless UX and conversion studies that show you what to look out for.
Ex. what the checkout process should look like.
But also the configuration options should be given, so that your store does not look exactly like your competitors’.
Another point that is relevant for both your SEO and usability is PageSpeed. Of course, you can contribute to an improvement yourself by compressing media beforehand, but the theme also plays a decisive role. So pay attention to this point as well before purchasing. But the best theme won’t help you if plugins suddenly don’t work or compatibility problems occur. In the worst case, sinfully expensive individual solutions are needed to get the system running again. Therefore, support is one of the most important points to consider, which is why it often makes sense to have the whole thing handled by a Shopware agency. You have it set up correctly once, so you don’t have any subsequent problems, and if there is a problem at one point or another, you have a direct contact person. For such matters, we at eBakery are happy to support you.

eBakery is happy to help you customize your Shopware 6 theme

Now you know where to find your themes, what to look for when purchasing themes and how to customize them. If you want to go straight for the safe way and avoid future consequential damages, you are welcome to make an appointment with eBakery’s experts to have your theme setup completed.

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