YouTube Marketing 2022

SEO Optimized YouTube Upload

In our YouTube Marketing 2022 tutorial, we explain how to complete an SEO optimized YouTube upload. That means we’ll demonstrate how to optimize the title / description / tags and everything else.

YouTube Marketing 2022 - SEO compliant upload

In this article we want to show you from A to Z what you have to consider when uploading your video to YouTube. I think many people have already understood why companies should rely on YouTube marketing in 2022. However, I can touch on it again at this point. The common misconception in recent years has been that the goal of creators is to become YouTube stars. It is certain that only a handful of people can achieve this, and that it requires either pioneering work or a good dose of extravagance. But that is not the primary goal of the companies. So it’s not mandatory to generate 100,000s of views and become the darling of the nation, much more the currency is “reach” and “visibility”. That means if you’re in a niche and your competitors aren’t shooting videos, you’ll have a huge advantage if you get over your hump and get in front of the camera. But even that is not always necessary, as you can see from our videos.

Why should a company rely on YouTube?

The advantages are that Google displays videos very high up in the carousel. You will not find this video carousel for every search term in the SERPs, whether it is present or not depends on various factors. Ex. How many videos there are on this. But if it is there and your video is in it, you are sure to get attention. Videos can also be embedded in blog articles and thus have double the chance to rank, once as a YouTube video and once as a blog page. In addition, this in turn strengthens your website, because then people who watch the video in the blog article stay longer on the page, which is registered by Google and is included in the rating. In addition, with videos you have the chance to get good rankings even on the second largest search engine in the world, namely YouTube. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when uploading in order to positively influence this search engine in your favor. So how to use YouTube SEO, we will show you now with this blog article.

The tool par excellence for YouTube SEO

It starts with the content. You should know beforehand what the title of your video is so that you can be sure that people will search for it and that the topic is relevant enough. This research can look like this: you enter a potential keyword into the search mask and then receive suggestions of the most searched terms and term combinations. If you want to get a more accurate estimate of how valuable this keyword is, we recommend TubeBuddy. This is a browser extension that allows you to view the search volume and the competition and compare them in a score. Let’s take a look at this for the keyword “Shopify agency“. Then we see that the search volume is weak, but so is the competition, which is good. Overall, however, we only get the rating “Poor”, so we should not bet on it. In the stats we can get more information and see that the eBakery channel is the top channel for the keyword. If we take “Shopify SEO Agency” instead, we also see eBakery as the top channel again, but the competition is even weaker, giving us a “Good”. So you can then gradually compile your keyword list and know which videos you need to cover. So you already know why this video got the main keyword “YouTube Marketing 2022”. An excellent TubeBuddy score, as search volume and competition are in the green zone. But now let’s go through the rest of the checklist. We are now kind of in the YouTube backend of the last video, which was very well received by you.

YouTube Marketing 2022 - The title

The title consists of 3 parts for now. Always place the main keyword at the beginning, the one with the best score, for which you want to rank. Behind it comes a description of the video, so that the viewer knows beforehand what it is about. And finally, you can add keywords or describe the type of video. So it’s a news video, it’s a reaction, it’s a tutorial. I can say in advance that YouTube has also arranged the individual parameters chronologically according to their value. Most important is the title, then the description, then the thumbnail and only then come the tags when it comes to SEO.

The description

The description is structured as follows. The first part should not be longer than three lines, because then they will be cut off in the preview. If possible, all parts of the title should appear in this. So in our case “Top 3 online store beginner mistakes” + “These mistakes you should avoid as a store owner”. + “Tutorial”. If there is still room to add more keywords, go for it. But it should still be clear at the end what the video is about. That’s the art of writing descriptive text. To accommodate as many keywords as possible, while making the content as understandable as possible. After that you can place 3 hashtags. Here, a specific hashtag should be used, i.e. “online store”, an industry hashtag i.e. “eCommerce” and a channel hashtag i.e. “eBakery”. After that, be sure to set chapter markers in the same format as you see here. So timecode, minus, chapter description.

This has the advantage that viewers know what the content of the video is, can jump if necessary, but these chapter markers are also played out as text in the Google SERPs. So try to include your main keyword here as well. These are the things you need to enter for each video individually. Below come the channel descriptions. So what your channel is about, what the company does, links to your social medias, to groups and forums etc. Of course, you can also add links to your website, blog, or the social media channel that adds the most value above the channel description. If you haven’t subscribed to eBakery on Instagram yet, we recommend you do so at this point for exclusive content.

YouTube Marketing 2022 - Thumbnails and Playlists

The thumbnail should have a certain style, so that everyone who sees the image can say within a second: “Ahh this is the company so and so”. In our case, it’s a brushstroke overlay that has the color of the theme in question, with our logo, text in a legible font, and a background image that describes the content of the video. If you want to publish videos on a daily basis like we do, then choose a format that doesn’t need to be fundamentally adjusted every time. This can really cost you time. But don’t just take a picture suggested by YouTube either. Below you can select the playlists to which the video should be assigned. It is recommended to create topic-specific playlists. Especially for us since not every Shopware store owner is interested in Shopify or Magento videos. This way he can watch all Shopware videos one after the other without having to search too much. In addition, the playlists on YouTube once again rank for themselves. It would therefore be a waste of potential not to use them. Based on the given information, TubeBudyy has already picked out possible tags for you. You can apply them by clicking on the plus. But what you can also do is to go into an old video of yours or another channel and steal the tags completely or only partially and then paste them directly here with you.

Credits and info cards

The fact is that in any case your main keyword in any variations must always come at the beginning. So for example. “shopify seo” / “shopify seo 2022” / “shopify seo tutorial” / “shopify seo tutorial 2022” / “seo shopify” etc. Now you are missing only two things to the perfect SEO optimized YouTube video. Selects credits that match the theme. We use an extra outro layout for this, which we include in the video during editing. In it we can integrate two videos and a Subscribe logo button. And the last one is the info cards. If you have cracked the hurdle to 1000 subscriptions, you can also link your website deposited with YuTube. But this is only possible for this page and no other pages. Playlists, videos and channels can also be linked. This is what we always link to in the upper right corner. To save yourself time here as well, TubeBuddy allows you to create templates for the different topics and you don’t always have to create the info cards from scratch. Unfortunately, this is only possible with the paid version.

YouTube channel support through eBakery

So you have optimized your video as far as SEO compliant as it can be. From now on, it’s all about creating content and considering these points for each video. If that just caused confusion, we at eBakery will gladly take care of that for you as a YouTube SEO agency.

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