These are the mistakes you should avoid with your Facebook ad

What are Facebook Ads? How not to run a Facebook ad under any circumstances? These are the questions addressed in this video with Patrick Kriebel.

Run Facebook Ads

You are active on Facebook and want to use the page for ads? Facebook offers free opportunities for businesses and merchants to attract attention through advertising campaigns. If Facebook Ads are professionally created, they offer a great way to refer to your business and end up generating sales and customers. Various marketing or e-commerce agencies can support you in this. Their job is generally to guide you through the digital world, such as performance marketing. Patrick Kribel Perfomance Marketing Agentur is an expert, especially when it comes to Facebook and Instagram. Having an expert on your side is always good, because there are some mistakes to avoid when it comes to Facebook ads.

What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads are online advertisements on Facebook or Instagram. If you see a post on Facebook or Instagram that says “sponsored,” it’s an ad. What used to end up in the newspaper can now be found online. This is because digitization is advancing all the time and assuming ever greater importance. Therefore, if you are an online retailer or run a business, you can generate reach and potential leads with an online ad. With Facebook Ads, you can run ads targeted to a specific audience. This way you can make your own products, services and offers known to a wide audience. And that’s exactly the kind of ad a marketing agency can professionally place for you. This way you can be supported as a company and your business goals can be realized and implemented.

Avoid mistakes

If you want to have the greatest possible success with Facebook Ads, there are some mistakes to avoid. For example, Facebook offers you the possibility to promote a post and thus start an advertising campaign. This is Facebook’s way of trying to sell you its ads. However, you should be careful here, because this Facebook ad campaign is primarily designed for interaction. Facebook analyzes and knows our user behavior. Based on this analysis, we are all classified into different segments and categories. How do we feel about certain products? What interests us? In addition, Facebook also knows how we deal with ads. Do we click on an ad but not buy anything? Or do we like to interact with ads and end up buying something?

Tips for your own advertisements

If you now click on the “Promote post” button and thereby activate an advertising campaign, Facebook creates interaction. But as a company, you’re aiming for completely different things. For example, a redirect to your store to get sales at the end. So if you are interested in sales, you should focus on placing your own ads. It is always important to determine a precise target group and also to analyze which campaign goes down well with which target group and how well. To help, you can set up the Facebook Pixel. It helps you to analyze how well your advertising campaigns are received. With an advertisement you always pursue a certain goal. Whether it’s more reach, new customers or increased sales. It is important to think about the target in advance and to adjust the entire advertisement accordingly.

Want to avoid mistakes with your Facebook Ads?

We’ll be happy to help you avoid mistakes when running Facebook Ads. We develop professional advertisements with the right marketing strategy to reach exactly the right target group and the greatest possible success.

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