Interview with Mario Reinwarth about YouTube Ads

What mistakes should you avoid when running YouTube Ads and what should these YouTube Ads ultimately look like? Mario Reinwarth gives you helpful tips about YouTube Ads.

Why YouTube?

As the second largest search engine in the world and with 1.9 billion users every month, YouTube has become one of the most important platforms worldwide. After Google and Facebook, YouTube is the third most clicked page. But as an online store owner or e-commerce merchant, how can you run YouTube ads? What do you need to keep in mind to achieve the greatest possible reach? Maybe you’re already running successful campaigns on Facebook, but haven’t tackled YouTube yet. In fact, with the right ad strategy, you can leverage YouTube’s enormous reach to generate customers or build brand awareness.

Place YouTube ads

Many online merchants neglect YouTube because they think that you need professional video equipment and professionals for good ads. However, practice has shown. that more is not always better. For example, you could just start with a test run. This way you can see if your product is suitable for a video ad. If you own an iPhone, it’s perfectly sufficient to produce a high-quality video with it. With YouTube, you’re mostly in a sort of leisure mode. You watch funny videos and primarily don’t even think about advertising from different companies. If an ad appears that is not completely professionally created, YouTube users are usually more receptive to it because it fits better into the general image of the other videos. This means that with little effort and funding, you can create your first videos to see how your product works with ads.

What do you have to watch out for?

If you notice that you are reaching your first goals with advertisements, it makes sense to take a deeper look at the topic. And also to make investments for it. However, you should keep in mind that an AdSense program is only worthwhile if you have a higher number of subscribers. If you want to run successful YouTube Ads, you should pay attention to Pattern Interruption. Pattern Interruption is a variation of change work and is based on interrupting unwanted patterns and replacing them with new alternative patterns. Because with YouTube, it always comes down to convincing your audience in the first few seconds. With a longer video, the likelihood of it being clicked away is high. So it is important to create attention in the first 3- 5 seconds. This is how you get users to actually look at your ad. Once you have the attention of the users, you can start presenting your product and spreading the message that you want to get across.

The right targeting

Have you already tried to run ads on YouTube and didn’t get the results you wanted? This is definitely not a reason to turn your back on the site. One mistake that happens to many retailers, especially at the beginning, is the wrong choice of targeting. In online marketing, targeting refers to the exact addressing of target groups. On YouTube, you can choose between different formats and try out which topics are best to address. The biggest mistake that can happen here is to make your topic too broad. So, for example, to place advertising as an agency and select the topic of e-commerce. The issue is too big, too many agencies are reached that are not appropriate at all. To this end, the strategy does not reach the right contacts. You can solve this problem by focusing on specific keywords. To do this, you create keyword lists and can go from very precise targeting focused on one keyword to ever broader targeting.

Determine suitable keywords

Identifying perfect keywords takes time and you should take that time. Write down anything that might be useful. All the information you know about your target audience. Or watch videos of competitors performing well. What keywords are your competitors using? And which of them perform well? This reveals a lot of information that you can use for yourself. An additional tip: Put yourself in the perspective of the target group. Because you shouldn’t start from yourself and filter out possible keywords that don’t appeal to you, but can be well received by others. If you have intensively dealt with the keywords, you should always pay attention to the conversation and how it changes with which keyword. That means you should be doing conversation tracking. This is the only way you’ll be able to tell exactly which method is producing accurate results and which is not as profitable. YouTube advertising is measurable and you can definitely use this aspect for yourself.

Also pay attention to Google

In all of this, you should always think about what aspects are relevant to Google. For example, a high click rate. The better the click rate on Google, the better Google earns. So if you achieve a good click rate, Google will also invest more in targeting you well. But how do you get a good click rate? For that, you can again take a look at your competition. And in doing so, always try to offer something more than them. It also depends on the loading time. Nowadays, about 80% of traffic comes from various smartphones. So mobile versions are becoming more and more important. If the campaign takes longer than a few seconds to load, most users lose interest and click away again. Also, you need to make sure that the product of your ad also matches the product of the related landing page.


In summary, this means that you can run YouTube ads with little effort and without investing a large budget. If you pay attention to a few relevant points, they will be successful and you will generate new customers and awareness. Finding the right target group is crucial, because it’s the only way to reach the right people. The focus should be on specific keywords, for this you can create lists and also invest a lot of time. Always perform conversion tracking, because this is the only way to determine whether and to what extent an ad pays off. Besides, it is always worth optimizing the title and outperforming the competition. Mobile optimized content is important and your ads and the corresponding landing page must be thematically consistent. If you pay attention to these aspects, nothing should stand in the way between you and successful YouTube ads.

Successfully run YouTube Ads

Are you still unsure how to make these factors work for you? We will gladly support you and help you to successfully place YouTube Ads.

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