Featured Snippets – Ranked 0 in Google results

The dream of every site owner and SEO is to appear at position 0 in the results. If your post appears here, you’ve found the holy grail, so to speak, and get more reach than the paid ads. And completely free of charge.

The post should answer the question accurately. Often Wikipedia articles end up here, but sometimes they are just normal websites, like this one from futurezone.at. The answer is usually very short and precisely focused on the question. So if you can answer a relevant question succinctly on your page, you’re already a good candidate.

Google says that a Featured Snippet has been programmatically extracted from the web page and additionally shows with the title, URL and name of the web page.

What is the position 0 in Google?

Position 0 or rank 0 is therefore a version of an article automatically found and rated by Google that exactly matches the searcher’s question.

However, at this position are not always search results, it can also be immediately answered questions. Something when you type in “how many calories are in an egg”. Then you will immediately get the result with more choices.

These are not featured snippets as they do not refer to a specific web page and already give the answer exhaustively.

These results are called Knowledge Graph Cards and form an answer that does not need any queries. However, there is no advertising potential here, so these overlays, just like Google’s calculator, are nice tools, but not relevant for your site.

What are the different types of Featured Snippets?

Google distinguishes 4 types of snippets.

  1. Text snippets (these are the most)
  2. Listensnippets
  3. Table snippets
  4. Video snippets
  5. (combinations)

Text snippets

About 90% of featured snippets are text snippets. As already mentioned, they briefly and succinctly answer a searcher’s question without the searcher having to look any further.


As the name suggests, lists of 5 to 8 entries appear here. Small enumerations or short instructions are hereby clarified.


Video snippets

They are rather rare, but are already played as a small preview and by clicking the searcher goes directly to the video to get his information.

Google Featured Snippets SEO

We will gladly take over your website design so that you also have a better chance of reaching position 0. Even the best optimization is not a guarantee, because Google sometimes quickly decides to use another website as a reference. However, it’s a really good push forward once you get that spot at least for a short time.

Why not arrange a free preliminary consultation right away?

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