Google used to be primarily a search engine, but it has increasingly become a direct response engine. This trend is made clear by Google Fraggles. Here, widgets and boxes are used to place matching answers to a search query on the search results page, so users don’t even have to visit another website.

In this video, we’ll show you what Google Fraggles are and what they mean for your online marketing strategy:

The word Fraggle combines the words: handle and fragment. Google Fragments are fragments with matching information to a search query that are placed in the search results. Website entries are made easily and briefly accessible here. With Fraggles, Google tries to provide the best possible answer to a search query so that users do not have to visit external sites. This trend is continuously being expanded by Google.

Importance of Google Fraggles for Online Marketing

Fraggles leaves third-party websites unnoticed. Additionally, with Fraggles Voice Search, search queries are answered directly by Siri or Alexa. This trend will continue to grow in the coming years. Fraggles are also the reason why zero-click searches are on the rise. Zero-click searches are queries where users no longer click on external web pages, which already accounts for half of all Google searches. In summary, Google is gaining more and more traffic through Fraggles and results from organic search are being disregarded by users. So Google Fraggles have a great impact on online marketing and search engine optimization, because it is important to rank in the Google Fraggles.

To do just that, there are four things to keep in mind:

Mobile First

For Google Fraggles, it’s important to focus primarily on mobile view and summarized content because most users are looking for quick answers on their smartphones.

Voice Search

In today’s world, for example, users use Siri on their smartphones to find an answer or information on a particular topic. Your content should be optimized for these questions. For more information on this topic, check out our video on Voice Search.

Structured data

Using markup, structured data can be used to help search engine crawlers find, read, and understand content even better. By the way, certain structured data, such as ratings, recipes, instructions or FAQs are also displayed by Google as Rich Snippets.

Offer added value

Google Fraggles are designed to answer questions briefly and concisely. Your content must reflect exactly what users expect. So the focus should be on the user and the quality.

eBakery – your experts for SEO and performance marketing

We hope to have helped you with this information. If you have any further questions regarding this topic, please feel free to contact the experts of the performance marketing agency eBakery – use the contact form.

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